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Chichester and Ronald called here and stayed an hour. Ronald was full of his woes, as usual, so I left him to Cleone, and kept Mr. Chichester dancing attendance on me. And, oh dear me! to see the white rage of the man! It was deliciously thrilling, and I shivered most delightfully. "You sent for me, sir?" said Peterby, as Barnabas re-folded the letter. "Yes, John.

He took it up and read it through; his hand shaking, his eyes glistening meantime. He re-folded it, and viewed the writer with a strange, tender, mournful amaze. "Can she write so the little thing that stood at my knee but yesterday? Can she feel so?" "Papa, is it wrong? Does it pain you?" "There is nothing wrong in it, my innocent little Mary; but it pains me." "But, papa, listen!

All these things were being re-tied, re-folded, patched up here and there with sealing-wax, or put into new covers, by the postal surgeons, and done with as much care, too, as though the damage had been caused by the Post-Office rather than by carelessness in the public. But among these invalided articles were a few whose condition accidentally revealed attempts to contravene the postal laws.

At this sudden break upon the rural stillness for, in spite of the chorus of the birds and the farmyard noises which mingled with it, the general effect was somehow of stillness and solitude the girl looked round at the new-comer, drew herself up from her lounging attitude, placed her hands behind her and there re-folded them, and stood waiting, with an added flush of colour on her cheek.

I must have one just like it. Do come round to-day; I've lots of things to say to you. Yours, &c." "Nothing so dreadful in all that," I said to myself, as I re-folded the letter. "My curious lady's conscience must be a little active! Let's see what is to come of this." It is hardly in the nature of woman to look very lovingly upon the servant whom she has discovered peeping into her letters.

Twice, during the reading, the sharp intake of breath, that almost whistled in the silence of the room, told of an emotion he had no power to repress, and at the finish of it all the mechanically re-folded page's fell from shaking, nerveless fingers upon the littered desk. His eyes remained lowered gazing at the fallen letter. His hands remained poised where the letter had fallen from them.

In the meantime the muslins were carefully re-folded a task of some little difficulty, owing to their filmy texture and replaced in the bale. Quite a large pile of small brick-like parcels next came in for a share of Ned's attention. They, like the bales, were enveloped in wax-cloth, and like the jars were singularly heavy.

For another anxious hour she sat shivering before it, then the Clown announced apologetically that supper was ready. Blakeman handed her a cup of tea, but she did not taste it. Annette put to rights the few comforts within the lean-to and re-folded the blankets. Margaret and Holcomb whispered together. All moved as if in the shadow of a great calamity. It was now pitch dark and raining.

The letter was quite a lengthy one, yet, without raising his eyes, he completed the reading of it. A faint smile of satisfaction played upon his lips, as he re-folded the paper, and returned it to the envelope. "You have a letter, Francois?" said his wife, who had watched him in silence as he read, and who noticed the complacent smile its contents had produced.

"Yes, love," was answered almost without reflection. Fanny re-folded the letter, with the care of one who was handling something precious. "Shall I answer it?" she inquired. "Not now. We must think about that. You are too young to enter into correspondence with a gentleman especially with one about whom we know so little.