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Begorrah, I believe they've took Tib the cat, for ne'er a sign of it I see about the place, that would mostly be sittin' cocked up atop of the dresser. Goodness guide us, sorra a sowl there is in the house but the two of us, me and the child, and she's rael bad. It's a quare ould joke." "It 'ud be the joke of a set of ravin' mad people," said the widow.

"How much do you spoze a lot would cost there, Josiah, if you wuz ravin' crazy enough to want it? All the property in Jonesville wouldn't buy a spot big as a table cloth, and I d'no as it would a towel." "Well," sez he real sulky, "I can let my mind dwell on it, can't I? That is some comfort." "I wouldn't think on't too much, you don't want to tire your mind, it hain't over strong, you know."

But as for Myrtle Hazard, she's been sick, and it's left her a little flighty by what they say, and to have a minister round her all the time ravin' about the next world as if he had a latch-key to the front door of it, is no way to make her come to herself again.

I can see it just as plain as if 'twas yesterday Marcellus and Shadrach in the office goin' over the books and addin' up on pieces of paper, and it gettin' worse and worse all the time. And the whole town a-talkin'! And poor Zoeth lyin' in his bedroom there to home, out of his mind and ravin' distracted and beggin' and pleadin' with his partners not to chase 'em, to let 'em go free for her sake.

Gran'ma Mullins says all she can say is as she thanks God for every Fourth o' July as leaves Hiram whole, for he's the only apple she's got for her eye an' she'd go stark ravin' mad if anythin' was to tear him apart in the dream of his youth." "Did " asked Mrs. Lathrop, solicitously.

I knew you at once for a crook. It might save you several miles of bad walking to tell me where Mallow is waiting to high-jack me.... No?" "I dunno what you're ravin' about," growled the unhappy owner of the automobile. "But, believe me, I'll have you pinched for this." "How sharper than a serpent's tooth is ingratitude! And what bad taste to prattle of prosecution.

It'll be worse than a tree-toad an' you know what a tree-toad is, Mrs. Lathrop, I declare to goodness if Elijah acts like a tree-toad he'll drive me stark, ravin' mad." "Ca " suggested Mrs. Lathrop. "I don't see how I can," said Miss Clegg, dubiously. "I shall do my best, but, oh my, a young man as is a editor an' has red hair an' a flute is awful uncertain to count on.

"Now, look yer, Flip, it's playing it rather low down on the old man, this yer running' in o' tramps and desarted emigrants and cast-ashore sailors and forlorn widders and ravin' lunatics, on this yer ranch.

He had drawn Kate with him, and he now kept her before him, towards the door. He began to whisper, swiftly, with a horrible tremble in his voice: "Stand between me, Kate. Stand between me and him. Talk for me, Kate. Will you talk for me?" He drew himself up and caught a long, shuddering breath. "What have I been doin'? What have I been ravin' about?"

Poor old Mac was at his Royal Engineers' wits' end to know what to do. You see I was putrid with dysentery, Tertius was ravin', half the men had frost-bite, and Macnamara's orders were to break camp and come in before winter.