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After the one that can't get over the barn-door sill, I say: 'This little pig said wait, I'll say the last two together so you'll see they rhyme beautifully. Reg'lar poetry. "'This little pig said, "Quee! Quee! Quee! can't get over the barn-door sill." "'This little pig said, "He! He! He! when you tickle, I can't keep still!" "Elly Precious wiggles it when I tickle! We laugh like everything.

When he heard of our intention to cruise on Indian River he wished to join his group to our party, and as he was a good fellow we were glad to have him do so. His wife had been, or was still, a schoolteacher. Her bright and cheerful face glistened with information. The contemplative young man was a distant connection of the Teller, and his first name being Quincy, was commonly called Quee.

"So we-all goes weavin' over to the Red Light, Jack an' Pickles surveyin' each other close an' interested, that a-way, an' the rest of us on the quee vee, to go swarmin' out of range if they takes to shootin'. "'It's shore sad to part with friends, says Pickles, as he secretes his nose-paint, 'but jest the same I must saddle an' stampede out of yere.

He waded in and fastened a rope to the shark's tail, and then we all took hold and hauled the great fish ashore. "What is the good of it now you have got it?" asked Quee. "Glory is some good!" exclaimed Euphemia. "And I'm going to have you a belt made from a strip of its skin," I said. This seemed to Euphemia a capital idea.

The Paying Teller and Quee also strongly objected to a stop; and, while the teacher had a great desire to investigate the subject of ornithology, especially when exemplified by such a subject as a pelican, she felt herself obliged to be loyal to her "group," and so quietly gave her voice to go on.

"I have to have an extra pig for my baby!" she shrilled. "Takes six instead o' five! You know where it ends, 'This little pig said: "Quee! Quee! Quee! can't get over the barn-door sill"? Mercy gracious, you don't know the little pigs, I s'pose " More embarrassment. Even Evangeline was losing presence of mind. "Oh, yes!" Miss Theodosia brightened perceptibly.

You-all ain't s'fficiently on the quee vee, as they says in French, to be aware of the m'lignant atmospheres of this yere Ryder. He'd hoodoo a hill, or a pine-tree, Ryder would, let alone anythin' as onstable as my methods of buckin' faro-bank. Gone to Red Dog, has he? Bueno! He leaves us an' attaches himse'f to our enemies.

If you could have presented the colonel to me well, never mind. I presume the major is on the quee vive. 'He'll be ha'ein' a wash an' brush up, I wud say. 'But why are you not being drilled or digging up trenches or firing guns 'We're a' deid men this efternune. Had a big rout mairch the day. 'Oh, indeed! Well, when does the band play? 'The baun's burstit wi' the rout mairch.

Every day the Paying Teller, his wife, and Quee carefully set down in their note-books the weight of fish each individual had caught, with all necessary details and specifications relating thereunto; every day we wandered on the beach, or explored the tropical recesses of the palmetto woods; every evening the boatman rowed over to the light-house to have a bit of gossip, and to take thither the fish we did not need; every day the sun was soft and warm, and the sky was blue; and every morning, going oceanward, and every evening, going landward, seven pelicans flew slowly by our camp.

Th' two gintlemen had sworn f'r to slay each other at sight or thirty days, an' all Kentucky society has been on what Hogan calls th' quee veev or look-out f'r another thrajeedy to be added to th' long list iv sim'lar ivints that marks th' histhry iv th' Dark an' Bloody Groun' which is a name given to Kentucky be her affectionate sons."