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It was not unlike a hand-organ. Which made Gwendolyn wonder if he was not the Man-Who-Makes-Faces' brother. She glanced back inquiringly at the little old gentleman. Either the stranger was a relation and not a popular one or else the quacking expressions annoyed. For the Man-Who-Makes-Faces was scowling. And, "Cavil, criticism, correction!" he scolded, half to himself.

The wind had grown chill and moist, the quacking ducks were thickening on the pools, and strange noises came from ghostly swells and hidden creeks. The tired horses moved forward with soundless feet upon the sod, which had softened during the day. They quickened their steps when they saw the lantern shine from the pole before the building.

October, the fulness of Autumn, with its cool, clear, bracing air; with its gathered crops, rustling leaves, and golden light: October, when days of furious storm are succeeded by weeks of hazy sunshine and muffled quiet; when the fish are fat but greedy; when quacking seafowl and game of every kind tempt the lovers of good sport Ah! that is the time for boys.

Then arena-slaves carried in and set down on the sand a full hundred feet from the hoop and chains, a dozen or more wicker crates full of quacking white ducks with yellow bills. They and the noise they made recalled unpleasantly to me my sensations as I clung to the alder bush immersed in Bran Brook, after Agathemer and I had crawled through the drain at Villa Andivia.

But when the ducks saw the barn-door raft sailing among them, they were afraid, and, quacking loudly, they paddled out of the way. "Oh, Bunny!" cried Sue, as they sailed along, "there's the little ducks that were hatched out by the hen mother." "So they are!" exclaimed the little boy. The little ducks were swimming in the water, and the hen mother was clucking along shore.

The turf was green, despite the passing of many feet, and where a slight depression held water, a few ducks, Carolina bred, were quacking and paddling about; now and then these were counted with great interest, for they had a trick of taking to the woods with others of their kind, and relapsing to savagery, truly distressing to the domestic poultry prospects of the station.

Nothing save the quacking of ducks rushing by on the wing, the occasional rise of a crane in front of us, the soaring of an eagle overhead, and the rippling wakes left by muskrats as they scurried away, enlivened our hurried trip.

From right and left, in mysterious side lagoons and pockets, came the low quacking and chattering of wildfowl, now close at hand. They were, of course, quite invisible; but their proximity was exciting. Twice the duck-boat approached so close as to alarm them into flight. They arose, then, with a mighty quacking.

And she said, "Stayed, if you don't mind." Through the open window, from the fields of charlock warm in the risen sun, the faint, smooth scent came to them. Then Nicky began to cough with a queer quacking sound. Jerrold went to her, upsetting the saucer as he came. "It's his milk," she said. "He couldn't drink it." And with that she burst into tears. "Oh, Anne, don't cry. Don't cry, Anne darling."

Instantly the decoys set up a strenuous quacking. Then again all was silent. "Too high," muttered the curé. "I do not expect much in before the late afternoon. Do you smoke?" "Yes, gladly," I replied, "but my cigarettes are done for, I am afraid; they were in the pocket of my hunting coat." "Don't move," he said, noticing my effort to rise. "I've got cigarettes."