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There was a cullud procession before me which was escortin a elderly bald-hedded Afrikin to his home in Bates Alley. This distinguished Afrikin Brother had just returned from Lybery, and in turnin a corner puty suddent I hed stumbled and placed my hed agin his stummick in a rather strengthy manner. "Do you wish to impede the progress of this procession, sah?" "Certainly not, by all means!

He cussed the man he shot, then he cussed the world, then he cussed hisself, and with a terr'ble oath he jumped off the bough, and swung back'ards and for'ards with his neck broke. 'An Englishman, I reflected aloud. He nodded. 'You're a Britisher, I reckon, ain't yer? 'Yes; why? 'Wal, you've a puty strong accent. 'Think so? 'Wal, I could jest tie a knot in it.

Some-pin highly unconventional in name of Bludoffski. Mr. Bludoffski, kindly 'cept 'shurances of my rhic! gard!" Mr. Bludoffski executed a facial maneuver intended possibly for a smile. It excited Mr. O'Royster's attention directly. "Doffski!" he said, stopping shortly and balancing himself on his legs, "are you sure you're feelin' quite well?" "Yah, puty vell."

The philosophers up-stairs, down-stairs and on the same floor, puzzled over it. When a child, playing and fighting with gamins in the street, dirt disguised her. Attired in tatters and grime, she went unseen. There came a time, however, when the young men of the vicinity said: "Dat Johnson goil is a puty good looker." About this period her brother remarked to her: "Mag, I'll tell yeh dis! See?

Half a dozen shooters was raised to fetch him down, but he tied a noose in the rope, put it round his neck, slipped it puty tight, and stood up on the bough and made 'em a speech. What he mostly said was as he hated 'em all.

She sat there weeping silently until she heard the sound of Bud's step, then she sprang up and ran away to hide. She didn't dare to face him with tears in her eyes. Bud came in without a word and sat down in the dark front room. "Dat you, Bud?" asked his mother. "Yassum." "Bettah come now, supper's puty 'nigh ready." "I don' want no supper." "You bettah come on, Bud, I reckon you mighty tired."

"Never!" she cried. "You have sufficiently persecuted me ere this. I bid you go. Begone!" "Vooman, you mad meh!" cried Peruchini, rushing forward, his hands first extended with palms upward, then clenched, his hair properly tumbled, his eyes correctly rolling. "I vill not be teniet! Your puty, it is too much! Vooman, vooman, ah, have you no harret? Py Heaven, I "