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The king now marries Malavika and all ends happily. Rama and Lakshmana visit Viswamitra's hermitage. He is met by the sage with the two youths Rama and Lakshmana, and the young couples become mutually enamoured. Meanwhile Ahalya the cursed wife of Gautama gets cleared of her guilt through the purifying influence of Rama.

Clearly it must be the best and most worthy. And it seems as if this quality pertains to the eternal happiness of the soul, to which as an end the other three tend. Corporeal happiness is a means to the perfection of the soul since the latter acts through the means of bodily organs. Similarly moral perfection assists in purifying the soul.

While purifying after a fashion his judicial life, he still continued the legal adviser of artists, men of letters, actresses, courtesans, and elegant bohemians like Maxime de Trailles, because he liked to live their life; they were sympathetic to him as he to them.

At this period the principal object of attention in the manufacture of gas was its purification. Mr. D. Wilson, of Dublin, took out a patent for purifying coal gas by means of the chemical action of ammoniacal gas. Another plan was devised by Mr. Reuben Phillips, of Exeter, who obtained a patent for the purification of coal gas by the use of dry lime. Mr.

As for X., we must see that talents so pre-eminent are not lost to the State, and if no Ministerial office is vacant we must create one, and ask no questions as to its cost or the nature of its operations. Could these claims on the purse as a condition in the selection of candidates be prevented, a great step would be taken towards purifying political life.

Before we are entitled to take life deliberately for the sake of purifying life, we must learn how to preserve it by abolishing such destructive influences war, disease, bad industrial conditions as are easily within our social power as civilized nations. There is, further, another consideration which seems to me to carry weight.

And shall adversity that touchstone softened as our hearts shall thus be shall it pass over us, and improve us not? No! it has purifying and cleansing qualities; and for us, it has them not in vain. We are not dust, to be more defiled by water; nor are we as the turbid stream, which passing over driven snow, becomes more impure by the close contact.

The grains of Anta, that would be used in purifying you, would cost ten times as much." "But I have no more," replied the woman, "my husband, for whom I come to pray, is ill; he cannot work, and my children " "You fatten them up and deprive the goddess of her due," cried the gate- keeper. "Three rings down, or I shut the gate." "Be merciful," said the woman, weeping.

Thirdly, they have a very beneficial effect upon the blood, the kidneys, and the skin. In fact, the reputation of fruits and fresh vegetables for "purifying the blood" and "clearing the complexion" is really well deserved.

It thus aids in maintaining the balance of life, and cleanses the swamps of miasmata, thus purifying the air we breathe. During its existence of three or four weeks above the waters, its whole life is a continued good to man. It hawks over pools and fields and through gardens, decimating swarms of mosquitoes, flies, gnats, and other baneful insects.