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The waterfall, which gave a name to the place, is at the meeting of two rivers one flowing from Spirillen Lake and the other from the Randsfjord, and was at one time beautiful. Now, however, its picturesqueness is marred by the presence of a barn-like structure containing the pulping works, while the fall itself is utilized to drive the machinery.

"It has struck me that pulping spruce paper spruce is likely to be scarce presently. The supply's not unlimited and the world's consumption is going up by jumps." "There's a good deal of timber you could use for pulp, in British Columbia alone," Vane interposed. "Sure.

There wasn't any sense in slowly feeding in till my head was crushed, and already my arm was pulped half way from elbow to shoulder, and the pulping was going right on. So I was grateful, as I bent my head to the blow. "'Get your head out of the way, you idiot! he barked at me. "And then I understood and obeyed.

Then she added hastily: "But I never saw any lumbering." "What a pity! It's a gorgeous life. Oh, not for women. These women here awfully nice girls, and awfully clever too couldn't make anything of it in Canada. I had a couple of square miles of forest to look after magnificent stuff! Douglas fir most of it and two pulping mills, and about two hundred men a rough lot." "But you're not Canadian?"

It was made for five horses, and did a great deal of useful work, grinding the Indian corn into fine flour for home consumption and for sale to neighboring settlers, and into coarse meal, and pulping the pumpkins and roots for the pigs and other animals. Mr. Hardy also tried many other experiments, as the climate is suited to almost every kind of plant and vegetable.

It was our intention to make every copy we printed bear the date of its last revision in a conspicuous place, and we hoped to get the whole line of these books ultimately upon an annual basis, and to sell them upon repurchasing terms that would enable us to issue a new copy and take back and send the old one to the pulping mill at a narrow margin of profit.

But it is not only timber in a raw state that does so much for the prosperity of Norway, for a great trade is done also in matches as well as in wood-pulp. The latter is a comparatively modern industry, and its development has been rapid. Anyone who visits Christiania and has the opportunity of taking the little town of Hönefos in his travels, should not fail to pay a visit to the pulping works.

The brig was in sore distress, her timbers creaking, snapping, quivering, like one being beaten to death, his bones cracking, his muscles pulping under heavy blows. We were above water-line there in the cockpit; we could feel her flinch and stagger. On her side there came suddenly a crushing blow, as if some great hammer, swung far in the sky, had come down upon her.

"I'm going up the west coast shortly and may be away some time." They left the smoking-room shortly afterward, and when they strolled back to the others, Vane sat down near Jessy. "I hear you are going away," she began. "Yes. I'm going to look for pulping timber." "But what do you want with pulping timber?" "It can sometimes be converted into money."

Beet pulp silage is made from beets which are put through a pulping process for the purpose of extraction of the sugar and, therefore, best pulp silage is only made in connection with beet-sugar factories and is a by-product thereof which is proving of large value for feeding purposes. Feeding Value of Spelt. What is the food value of spelt?