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I don't understand the principle of the thing, unless it is that compliments on the other three articles fail to injure the character, whereas flattery with regard to my pulchritude " Bea's hand shot into the air and waved frantically. "Please, teacher, what is that funny word?" "Go to the Latin lexicon, thou ignoramus." "I can't," said Bea, "you borrowed mine and never brought it back.

A rich and portly society matron of Pittsburgh now she whose name had been a synonym for pulchritude these thirty years; she who had had more cold creams, hats, cigars, corsets, horses, and lotions named for her than any woman in history! Her ample girth would have wrought sad havoc with that eighteen-inch waist now.

Admission to the royal ballet is to a Cambodian maiden what a position in the Ziegfeld Follies is to a Broadway chorus girl. It is the blue ribbon of female pulchritude. Unlike Mr.

Whether it was the Lincoln green suit, or the tam-o'-shanter cap, or the dude's personal pulchritude, which most attracted his doggish soul, it was hard to say. Suddenly a window went up behind Purt and a lady put out her head. "Little boy! Little boy!" she called, shrilly. "I wish you'd take your dog away from here. I want to let my cat out, and dogs make her so nervous."

The iron-faced suffragist propagandist, if she gets a man at all, must get one wholly without sentimental experience. If he has any, her crude manoeuvres make him laugh and he is repelled by her lack of pulchritude and amiability. They have to put up with the sort of castoffs who are almost ready to fall in love with lady physicists, embryologists, and embalmers.

The glamour of Marcia, her perfumes, her artistry, the lure of her voice and eyes, her absorbing abstractions and sudden enthusiasms how could Una's quaint transitions compare with such as these? And whatever he may have thought of her personal pulchritude or the quiet magnetism of her friendliness, there was no room in his mind just now for the merely spiritual.

But the Man from Nome, loyal to her who had resurrected his long cached heart, plunged into the stream of pulchritude and followed her. Down Twenty-third street she glided swiftly, looking to neither side; no more flirtatious than the bronze Diana above the Garden.

She did not know that had it not been for Marjorie's campaigning she would have danced the entire evening with one man; but she knew that even in Eau Claire other girls with less position and less pulchritude were given a much bigger rush. She attributed this to something subtly unscrupulous in those girls.

Whereat they all laughed. And from then on, they were themselves. They were met by her mother at "The Lawns," and by Dr. DeLancey. Dr. DeLancey was not bashful. He pinched her glowing cheek and looked her over, critically. "A positive symposium of pulchritude," he declared. "I wish I were fifty or seventy-five years younger, by Jove!

"I just wanted to warn you that the Colorado's no place for a morning swim," Curly said. "I'm just going to get the boss's shaving water." "There's a hint for you, Judge," Curly turned to Enoch. "I hope you plan to give more attention to your toilet after this." "You go to blazes, Curly," said Enoch amiably. "I haven't got the reputation for pulchritude to live up to that you have."