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My lord began trotting up and down the room, with his fat hands stuck in his britchis pockits, his countnince lighted up with igstream joy, and singing, to my inordnit igstonishment: "See the conquering hero comes! Tiddy diddy doll tiddy doll, doll, doll." He began singing this song, and tearing up and down the room like mad. I stood amazd a new light broke in upon me.

"No," she assured him decisively, as in departing he reminded her of his original question, "I didn't go fer to look in no pockit. I didn't suppose them things had pockits." Then the scene shifted to Derry Phillips's studio, and this visit was fraught with more difficulties, for there was the case of Amarilly which must be approached delicately and with subtlety.

But in five minyits all iv O'Brien's money was in th' bad ma-an's pockits, an' he was lookin' around f'r more foolish pathrites. It took O'Brien some time f'r to decide what to do. Thin says he, ''Twas my money this fool blowed in. An' he made a dash f'r th' shell ma'an; an' he not on'y got what he'd lost, but all th' r-rest iv th' capital besides. Ye see, that was his game.

All the old women had peaked ats, and crooked cains, and chince gowns tucked into the pockits of their quiltid petticoats; they sat in pictarask porches, pretendin to spinn, while the lads and lassis of the villidges danst under the hellums. O, tis a noble sight to whitniss that of an appy pheasantry!

Sure 'tis to the right shop ye've come, anyway, for 'tis daughthers I have meself, me dear fine, sthrappin' girls as could put you in their pockits. Ye poor little crather! Oh! Murther! Who could harm the likes of ye? Faix, I hope that ould divil of an aunt o' yours won't darken these doors, or she'll git what she won't like from Biddy Mulcahy. There now! There now!

Dey'd all git knocked into a sorter mush. Plenty ob time for breakfast 'fore we start." "That's true, boy," said Hockins, "but where's the breakfast to come from?" "What! you no bringed nuffin' in your pockits?" asked the negro with a look of visible anxiety on his expressive face. Hockins turned his various pockets inside out by way of reply. "I am equally destitute," said Mark.

When I had removed his garmints, I did what it's the duty of every servant to do I emtied his pockits, and looked at his pockit-book and all his letters: a number of axdents have been prevented that way. I found there, among a heap of things, the following pretty dockyment THOMAS SMITH DAWKINS. Friday, 16th January. There was another bit of paper of the same kind "I. 0.

"'Oh, here's Miss Mary Hann coming up, says Thomas, 'ask HER' and indeed there came my little Mary Hann tripping down the stairs her &s in her pockits; and when she saw me, SHE began to blush and look hod & then to grin too.

Sure 'tis to the right shop ye've come, anyway, for 'tis daughthers I have meself, me dear fine, sthrappin' girls as could put you in their pockits. Ye poor little crather! Oh! Murther! Who could harm the like of ye? Faix, I hope that ould divil of an aunt o' yours won't darken these doors, or she'll git what she won't like from Biddy Mulcahy. There now! There now!

Enter host and hostess, with Sir Richard, friends and attendants. No little one shall quit these premises till he be full; what cannot be eaten must be carried away." Fall-to." So's all my pockits, an' there's some left over!" Enter more domestics with more tea, buns, and fruit; but the army is glutted, and the pockets are brought into requisition: much pinning being a necessary consequence.