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Updated: August 17, 2024

One of the traders of the town, Caplin, said: "De Captain may go to wid his tam government; I'll bay no daxes." And from Silver Bay where he was mining, Geo. E. Pilz sent in a protest against the proceeding. The dealers who traded molasses to the Indians, from which the villainous liquor called "hoochinoo" or "Hooch," was distilled, objected to the ordinances restricting the trade.

Instantly there was a dead silence and all eyes rested on Morris. "Where's what?" Morris asked. "The Amati!" Emil Pilz cried; and Morris laughed aloud. "Geh weg!" he said. "You are an expert!" Pilz shook his head in a bullying fashion. "Never mind if I am an expert oder not," he said. "Where is that Amati which I seen it myself at Geigermann's house only last night?"

What do I care if the fiddle is or it ain't one of them genu-ine Who's This's? Once you give a thing you give a thing, ain't it? And I don't care what experts says nor nothing." Felix Geigermann blushed. When Emil Pilz had called on him the night before he had scented the object of the visit and had exhibited not Abe's gift but the Karanyi Amati.

Here Morris cleared his throat and assumed an air of such dignity, not to say majesty, that to Abe, it seemed as though he had never rightly known his partner until that moment. "Now look on the other side of that label," Morris cried. Once more the label went the rounds and after Emil Pilz had examined it he put on his hat and made for the elevator.

It was precisely half-past nine, while a tabloid drama in progress on the stage rendered the presence of the orchestra unnecessary, that Emil Pilz returned. "Nu Emil," Louis said as they stood in the corridor leading to the stage entrance, "did you seen the Amati?" He grinned in humorous anticipation of Emil's answer. "Yes, I did seen it," Emil replied, "and it's a very elegant, grand model."

Old man Hubai stood in the middle of the showroom; and with clenched fists waving in the air he appealed to heaven to witness that he was a poor man and spoke nothing but the Hungarian tongue. Hence he was at the mercy of such ruffians as Pilz and Wcelak, whose right name he averred to be Kohn.

The newcomer was none other than Emil Pilz, Konzertmeister of the Palace Theatre of Varieties, if that dignified term may be applied to the first violin of an orchestra of twenty. "I am and I ain't," Emil replied. "I've got a job, Louis, which it would take me till nine o'clock, so be a good feller and substitute for me at the theayters till I am coming back."

I am inclined to think that the 'cats, some of them, are here in the courtroom." "I will plead guilty for Mr. Black, Your Honor!" said Vanderveer quickly, laughing at the reference to sabotage. Testimony to further establish the peaceable character of the I. W. W. meetings and the rowdyism of the police and deputies was given by witnesses from Everett: Gustaf Pilz, Mrs.

He had no doubt that Pilz communicated to Potash & Perlmutter the result of his call immediately after its conclusion, and he felt touched and humbled by Morris's generous behaviour. "Morris," he said, "I did you a big injury.

In stentorian tones he declared Abe's purchase of the violin to be another example of capital sitting upon the neck of labour, and he prophesied the rapid approach of the Social Revolution, with sundry references to bloodsuckers, cut-throats and Philistines. Emil Pilz, Aaron, and Abe Potash himself added to the general din in a three-cornered discussion of the legal points involved.

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