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I admit that this Workingwomen's Association is not a trade organization; and while I join heart and hand with the working people in their trades unions, and in everything else by which they can protect themselves against the oppression of capitalists and employers, I say that this organization of ours is more upon the broad platform of philosophizing on the general questions of labor, and to discuss what can be done to ameliorate the condition of working people generally."

As our philosophizing friend Zacheus is so fond of saying, I have 'all the time there is. And if time IS money why ah.... Eh? Dear me, possibly you ladies know what I am talking about; I don't." They both burst out laughing and he smiled and stroked his chin. Martha looked him over. "What makes you so nervous, Mr. Bangs?" she asked. He started and colored.

We have had enough of new systems, and the world a great deal too much already." Walpole may be accepted as the typical Tory, and to all his party Mary probably appeared as the "philosophizing serpent." She seems always to have incurred his deepest scorn and wrath. He could not speak of her without calling her names.

The wild digressions, the audacious impertinences, the burlesque philosophizing, the broad jests, the air of recondite learning, all combined to make the book a nine days' wonder; and a majority of its readers would probably have been prepared to pronounce Tristram Shandy a work as original in scheme and conception as it was eccentric.

Anxious to find some excuse, he recalled the image of his cook philosophizing in his culinary dominion. Whenever he had wished to call down the greatest of evils upon an enemy, the astute fellow had always uttered this anathema: "May God send you a female to your taste!..." Ferragut had found the "female to his taste" and was forever slave of his destiny.

Sleepy servants were cleaning up, but Fox vowed that they should bring us yet another bottle before going home. So down we sat about the famous old round table, Fox fingering the dents the gold had made in the board, and philosophizing; and reciting Orlando Furioso in the Italian, and Herodotus in the original Greek.

After all Carl Ludwig offered him ample freedom in philosophizing. But he beat down the tempting images and sought relief in the problem posited by Leibnitz. In vain: his manuscript still lay open, Proposition xxxv. was under his eye.

Has not Cicero said wisely, that we ought no more to subject too slavishly our affections, than to elevate them too imperiously into our masters? Neque se nimium erigere, nec subjacere serviliter." "Cicero loved philosophizing better than philosophy," said Aram, coldly; "but surely, my Lord, the affections give us pain as well as pleasure.

"Nay, I don't give myself as an example; but you may judge I own I am surprised to find myself philosophizing here in the Black Islands but one philosophizes every where." "And you would have more time for it here, I should suppose, than in Paris?" "Time, my dear sir no such thing! Time is merely in idea; but Tais-toi Jean Jacques! Tais-toi Condillac!

His Jack Heaven-High is a philosophizing journeyman who from every capital of Europe pours forth his lyrico-cosmic effusions, and the hero of his historical novel The Messenger of God is a Swiss dominic who at the conclusion of the Thirty Years' War collects a motley rabble about him for new works of peace and single-handed makes of himself the restorer of a devastated community.