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Its nearness to the vicinity in which, according to the Petrel's reliable information, the smugglers were operating was the reason why all decided to go there for assistance. Lieutenant Driscoll was in command at the fort and he could be counted on to bring the smugglers to terms.

"Land right in here, Tom. We'll climb up on the ledge and walk over." Pulling the dory up on the rocks they stumbled over the slippery eel-grass and approached the ill-fated craft. Dickie Lang examined the hull. "Looks like Manuel wasn't dreaming, at that," she ejaculated, pointing to the jagged hole in the Petrel's side.

Lord Forfar was for putting into Boisdale, for the glass was going down rapidly; but Lady Bruce was sure, "a little breeze would be a most delightful change." It was not very likely to be so with the wind rising out of the northeast; and ere long the Petrel's topmast was sent down, and a double reef put in her mainsail.

"Hold on, every one of you, for your lives!" hoarsely shouted the skipper, as the wave swept threateningly down upon the schooner; and the next moment it burst upon them with a savage roar. Luckily, the Petrel's bows were presented fairly to it, or the consequences would have been disastrous.

Una flew around like a petrel; only that her hair floated golden in the sunshine, and the petrel's feathers are gray. You are quite right; I am so happy that I require nothing more. No art nor beauty can excel my daily life, with such a husband and such children, the exponents of all art and beauty. I really have not even the temptation to go out of my house to find anything better.

"It oughtn't to take you long to catch up with them at this clip," he said admiringly. "Are all of your boats as fast as this one?" "If they were it would break me up," the girl answered. "The Petrel's my flag ship. She's a gas-hog, but she can travel. She has fifty horse, and built on the lines she is, there aren't many of them around here that can make her run in their wake.

The girl acknowledged his words with a curt nod. "Here come the boys from the Curlew," she announced. When the landing party reached the Petrel's side, Jones and Sorenson stared in silence at the white-shirted man leaning against the rail. "Got things fixed up, Jones? You were a long time coming." The skipper of the Curlew climbed aboard before replying.

Vinton briefly stated his passenger list and explained the purpose of their cruise. "Bound for Key West now?" shouted the Petrel's captain, whom Vinton, studying him through the marine glass, recognized as James Kelsey. "Trying to dodge that craft that just passed us, or trying to catch her?"

Van Horne and himself, with one of the men, took the Petrel's boat and rowed off from shore, changing their ground occasionally, until they had turned the point which formed the bay on one side, and were no longer in sight.

"Not much of a chance to save anything but the motor and the shaft," Dickie observed. "And we'll have to work lively to do that on this ebb. She'll break up on the flood if there's any sea." As Howard jerked his head in acquiescence with the girl's diagnosis, a shower of loose rocks rattled from the overhanging cliff. Dickie walked around the Petrel's bow and scrambled to the ledge.