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As this was done, there fell, as from the ceiling, upon them in the truckle-beds such quantities of water, as if it had been poured out of buckets, which stunk worse than any earthly stink could make; and as this was in doing, something crept under the high beds, tost them up to the roof of the house, with the Commissioners in them, until the testers of the beds were beaten down upon, and the bedsted-frames broke under them; and here some pause being made, they all, as if with one consent, started up, and ran down the stairs until they came into the Councel Hall, where two sate up a-brewing, but now were fallen asleep; those they scared much with the wakening of them, having been much perplext before with the strange noise, which commonly was taken by them abroad for thunder, sometimes for rumbling wind.

He could not make up his mind whether to declare or conceal his affection; for notwithstanding the familiarity with which Balthasar treated him, by many of the old man's feelings and views he found himself estranged and perplext. "You are hesitating," said the old man after a while; "you have not enough reliance in me, because you do not know me.

A bad attack of integrity!! 'Who is man and what his place, Anxious asks the heart perplext, In the recklessness of space, Worlds with worlds thus intermixt, What has he, this atom creature, In the infinitude of nature? He might fail from want of skill or strength, but deep in his sombre soul he vowed that it should never be from want of heart.

There you may see how, when the perplext Animal, on the loss of a Thought or Word, scratches his Pole: Every Attack of his Invading Fingers knocks at Nature's Door, allarms all the Register-keepers, and away they run, unlock all the Classes, search diligently for what he calls for, and immediately deliver it up to the Brain; if it cannot be found, they intreat a little Patience, till they step into the Revolvary, where they run over little Catalogues of the minutest Passages of Life, and so in time never fail to hand on the thing; if not just when he calls for it, yet at some other time.

The pool's very rich,... ah! the doctor is loo'd! Thus foil'd in my courage, on all sides perplext, I ask for advice from the lady that's next: 'Pray, ma'am, be so good as to give your advice; Don't you think the best way is to venture for't twice! 'I advise, cries the lady, 'to try it, I own.... Ah! the doctor is loo'd!

True is the oracle we read: 'Those who have sown oppression's seed Reap bitter fruit; their souls, perplext, Joy not in this world or the next. The brothers of my murdered boy, Who could a father's hopes destroy, An equal punishment will reap, And lasting vengeance o'er them sweep. They rooted up my favourite tree, But yet a branch remains to me.

But this same, both herself and others eke perplext." "Who then can strive with strong necessity, That holds the world in his still changing state, Then do no further go, no further stray, But here lie down, and to thy rest betake." Spenser. Few men perhaps could boast of so masculine and firm a mind, as, despite his eccentricities, Aram assuredly possessed.

Antonio could make no answer, so amazed and horrourstruck was he by the apparition, so perplext by his honoured teacher's speech; for it seemed to him as though Pietro was struggling to check a burst of anger, as if represt rage were flashing from his firy eyes, which after their sudden dimness rapidly shot forth fiercer glances.

It has not enabled him even to conceive the condition of a mindperplext in faith but pure in deeds,” craving light, yearning for a faith that will harmonize and cherish its highest powers and aspirations, but unable to find that faith in dogmatic Christianity. His own doubts apparently were of a different kind.

No, my good Antonio, pain and grief have distracted your sounder senses, so that you see and believe in things which have no real existence." Antonio was perplext and knew not what to reply. Greatly as the loss of his beloved had shaken all the faculties of his soul, he still was too clearly conscious of the events he had past through, to bring their reality thus in question.