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We must understand enough to save the traces of a saint or a sacred tradition, or, where a wicked god has been worshiped, to destroy his altar and to cut down his grove." "His grove," said Paynter automatically, and looked toward the little wood, where the sunbright birds were flying. "Mrs.

The tongues ceased wagging in order that they might turn hand-springs. Find Abigail Prim, whispered some, and the mystery will be solved. There were others charitable enough to assume that Abigail had been kidnapped by the same men who had murdered Paynter and wrought the other lesser deeds of crime in peaceful Oakdale.

X or Y was a good enough name for a real man, whose life could demonstrate his utter independence of the labels so carefully pasted upon him by environment and circumstance. Still, if he were to die, he felt that his father, if yet alive, should come forward and weep for him, even as Mrs. Paynter was weeping for Fifi down in the Second Front.

Will you wait with me here for that short time; after which I am quite at your service." There was a bewildered silence, and then Paynter said: "For my part, I feel as if it would really be better to humor him." "Ashe," said the doctor, with a new note of seriousness, "for old friendship, grant me this last little indulgence.

For where he stood now was three yards away from the well, and he had not yet himself realized that he had sprung back all that distance from the brink when the water spoke. Cyprian Paynter did not know what he expected to see rise out of the well the corpse of the murdered man or merely the spirit of the fountain.

Treherne, your attitude is singularly interesting; I really almost wish I could add you to my collection of murderers. They are a varied and extraordinary set." "Has it ever occurred to you," asked Paynter, "that perhaps the men who have never committed murder are a varied and very extraordinary set? Perhaps every plain man's life holds the real mystery, the secret of sins avoided."

Warble was agog to mingle, so she moved on. Le Grand Paynter, a celebrated Cubic artist, fascinated her with his flowing locks, flowing tie and marvelous flow of conversation. He asked to paint her as a Semi-nude Descending a Ladder, but she only said she must refer him to her Petticoat. Freeman Scattergood, the well-known philanthropist was chatting with Mrs.

"No, I don't," said Paynter, throwing one leg over another and lighting a cigar. "But I shall stop here till he comes out." "Very well," said Ashe shortly, "I'll stop with you, if only to see the end of this farce." The doctor said nothing, but he also kept his seat and accepted one of the American's cigars.

Paynter heard was the natural eddy of a breaker from outside, and the whole experience depended on something so elementary as the tide." The American was startled into ordinary speech. "The tide!" he said. "And I never even thought of it! I guess that comes of living by the Mediterranean." "The next step will be obvious enough," continued the speaker, "to a logical mind like that of Mr.

Then I wanted to come myself and tell you, after reading the reports and insinuations in the paper, that your daughter was not with Reginald Paynter when he was killed. She had no knowledge of the crime and as far as I know may not have yet. I have not seen her and do not know where she is; but I was present when Mr. Paynter was killed. I have known him for years and have often driven with him.