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Updated: August 19, 2024

Their property all in beautiful order marched with ours, and Chapman was very particular about the boundaries. 'Old master he wouldn't have a bird picked up if it fell over on they Fordys' ground not he! He couldn't abide passons, couldn't the old Squire not Miss Hannah More, and all they Cheddar lot, and they Fordys least of all.

No School Board could be more determined against the Catechism, nor against 'passons meddling wi' she; and as to assistance, 'she had been a governess this thirty year, and didn't want no one trapesing in and out of her school.

Candeille had taken it into her frolicsome little head that she would like to go to London. The idea was of course in the nature of an experiment. Those dull English people over the water knew so little of what good acting really meant. Tragedy? Well! passons!

Her blood was up after our long series of offences, and she broke into a regular tirade of abuse. 'That's the way with you fine folk, thinking you can tread down poor people like the dirt under your feet, and insult 'em when you've taken the bread out of the mouths of them that were here before you. Passons and ladies a meddin' where no one ever set a foot before!

Adam, he said, was most assuredly the first who had committed this sin, and Cain the next; then, following the advice given by the listener, in the Plaideurs, "Passons au deluge, je vous prie;" he went on to mention the particular propriety of Noah's family on this point; and then continued, "Now observe, what did God shew the greatest dislike to? What was it that Jesus was never even accused of?

Yes, I took the pestle.... What does one pick things up for at such moments? I don’t know what for. I snatched it up and ranthat’s all. For to me, gentlemen, passons, or I declare I won’t tell you any more.” He sat with his elbows on the table and his head in his hand. He sat sideways to them and gazed at the wall, struggling against a feeling of nausea.

But the worried father pushed his weedy hair off his forehead with a troubled air. "I haven't read up a deal," he apologized. The gambler promptly swept his objection aside. "That don't figger any. Once you get goin' you won't find no trouble. It's dead easy after you're started. That's the way it is with passons. They jest get a holt of a notion, an' then why, they jest yarn."

'Monsieur, me repondit-il, 'nous passons notre vie a conjuguer tous le meme verbe; Je m'ennuie, tu t'ennuies, il s'ennuie, nous nous ennuyons, vous vous ennuyez, ils s'ennuient; je m'ennuyois, je m'ennuierai," &c. THIEBAULD, Mem. de Frederic le Grand.

"Passons" "Passons?" Varvara Petrovna winced. "But, if so, that's all. You've been informed that we shall live henceforward entirely apart." "And that's all?" he said. "All that's left of twenty years? Our last farewell?" "You're awfully fond of these exclamations, Stepan Trofimovitch. It's not at all the fashion. Nowadays people talk roughly but simply. You keep harping on our twenty years!

'T is in a nutshell, you perceive, and giving me the entire principle of an unlimited telegraphic communication. All that was to do was to systematize it. Tedious work, you may conceive, Monsieur; yet I did not shrink from it, nor find it irksome, for my assured result was ever leading me onward. Ah, bah! what did I not dream then? Passons!

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