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Updated: August 25, 2024

The saloon and bed-chamber of Voltaire are, however, preserved in exactly the same state as when he occupied them. There are a few portraits of his friends, and under his bust is this inscription: "Son esprit est partout et son coeur est ici." "His genius is every where, but his heart is here."

Sir Walter met him in the French metropolis in 1826; and in his diary of November 3, after recording a morning visit to 'Cooper the American novelist, adds: 'this man, who has shewn so much genius, has a good deal of the manners or want of manners peculiar to his countrymen. Three days later we find the following entry: 'Cooper came to breakfast, but we were obsédes partout. Valeat signum!

Comme les perles et les é tol – les Or-nent ja le front des cleux La nuit e-tend partout votle Elle vient de ju fermer mes yeux, Re viendras tu dans un doux songe, O mon bel ange, tor que j'adore Me re pe ter divers mensonges Me re pe ter -ye taime encore

"Cependant le schiste n'est pas enseveli partout sous ces dépôts de la mer; on le retrouve en quelques endroits, et même avec de filons.

28. -Sable pur; continental encore; car j'ai remarqué partout dans la Geest, que c'est dans la couche supérieure,

The whole world repeated of her the old saying: "Elle n'a qu'un défaut, celui de mettre de l'esprit partout!" When M. Delille came out, Mlle. Fontaine and he generally played together, amid thundering plaudits of overflowing audiences. Delille himself was a perfect artist. The French theatre was in its glory.

Arrêtez-vous, monsieur, je vous en priearrêtez-vous; il ne faut pas entrer dans la ville; la peste y règne partout.” “Oui, je sais, mais—” “Mais monsieur, je dis la pestela peste; c’est de LA PESTE, qu’il est question.” “Oui, je sais, mais—” “Mais monsieur, je dis encore LA PESTELA PESTE. Je vous conjure de ne pas entrer dans la villevous seriez dans une ville empestée.”

He was at the top of his register, with his head thrown back and his mouth open, when the door was thrown violently open, and a pair of new comers marched noisily into the cafe. It was the Commissary, followed by the Garde Champetre. The undaunted Berthelini still continued to proclaim, "Y a des honnetes gens partout!" But now the sentiment produced an audible titter among the audience.

A hundred years later, it had so high a character, that the troops of Henri IV. turned away from the town, announcing that they did not wish to attack ceulx estoient du naturel de leur vin, qui frappe partout; and the king was forced to come himself, with his constable and marshals, to beat down the walls, in the course of which undertaking his men felt the vigour of the inhabitants to a greater extent than he liked.

Will you give me leave, ma'am, to have the honour of seeking him partout?" "O, I wish you would with all my heart; for I assure you if I don't find him, I shall think it so excessive distressing you can't conceive." The Captain touched his hat, and was gone.

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