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So seldom do they ever exert themselves, that when they do work they seem determined that so meritorious an action shall not escape the observation of those around if, for example, they have occasion to remove a stone to a little distance, which perhaps might be carried by two able-bodied men, a whole swarm gather about it, and, after a vast deal of palavering, lift it up among them, every one struggling to get hold of it, and bear it off yelling and panting as if accomplishing some mighty achievement.

I am persuaded that this habit of itself alone would have been enough to determine the fate of the nation as a third-rate power, that it would have made it always do things with small pullings and haulings, in short breaths, and hand-to-mouth insights a little jerk of idealism one day, and a little jerk of materialism the next a kind of national palavering, and see-sawing and gesturing, and talking excitedly and with little flourishes.

If not, I beg you get out of my sight, for I have neither the will nor the desire for palavering." "Oh, Richard, do keep your temper!" implored Dorothy. "Can you not see that Mr. Allen desires to do us to do you a service?" "Of that I am not so sure," I replied. "It is his way, Miss Manners," said the rector, "and I hold it not against him.

The Guides by a seventy-eight mile circuit now found themselves south-east, instead of north, of the objective, and the enemy were consequently taken from a totally unexpected quarter. Another of Cavignari's coups may perhaps be given as illustrating not only his policy of smiting hard, instead of palavering, but also the necessity for strict secrecy.

"A great, mustached, dirty, palavering foreigner, who's probably got a harem at home and no respect for women!" Tish glanced at my sheaf and at the centerpiece. She was dressed as she always dressed on Mr. Wiggins's day in black; but she had a new lace collar with a jabot, and we knew where she had got it. She saw our eyes on it and she had the grace to flush.

And before Neisse can be thought of, there is a whole Europe, bickering aloft into conflict; embattling itself from end to end, in sequel of Mollwitz Battle; and such a preliminary sea of negotiating, diplomatic finessing, pulse-feeling, projecting and palavering, with Friedrich for centre all summer, as as I wish readers could imagine without my speaking of it farther! But they cannot.

Well, well, well, I hain't got time to be palavering along here got to nail on the lid and mosey along with him; and if you'll just give me a lift we'll skeet him into the hearse and meander along.

Frank Nelsen's tongue tasted of brassy doubt. He didn't know where he'd be, or what luck, good or bad, he might run into, within the next hour. The Kuzaks were palavering with the occupants of two heavily-loaded trader rockets. "Sure we'll buy if the price is right," Art was saying. "Flasks of water and oxygen, medicines, rolls of stellene. Spare parts for Archies, ionics, air-restorers.

"Hark ye," says he, "my gossoon, doan't be led asthray by the nonsinse of that divil of a Bullwig. He's jillous of ye, my bhoy: that's the rale, undoubted thruth; and it's only to keep you out of litherary life that he's palavering you in this way.

"If they lays their hands upon an officer," observed Coble, "it will be mutiny; and then Jemmy calls in the ship's company to protect him." "Exactly," observed Jemmy. "And den, mein Gott, I zettle for de corporal," observed Jansen. "I'll play him a trick yet." "But now, it's no use palavering," observed Spurey; "let's come to some settlement.