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He knew of many men who would have been astonished if they could have seen into his mind at that time, and he knew of many more men who would have laughed if they had the same privilege of sight. He made no attempt to conceal from himself that the whole thing was romantic, romantic despite the little tinkling dog, the decrepit diligence, the palavering natives, the super-idiotic dragoman.

Prussia too, solid Germany itself, has all broken out into crackling of musketry, loud pamphleteering and Frankfort parliamenting and palavering; Germany too will scale the sacred mountains, how steep soever, and, by talisman of ballot-box, inhabit a political Elysium henceforth. All the Nations have that one hope. Very notable, and rather sad to the humane on-looker.

His secretary was yet smaller, and decorated in the same way. The chief of the police was a very fat, good-humoured man, with two little perpendicular cuts beside each eye. These are tribal marks. There was great palavering about our journey into the interior.

I'll stand up for you, Susan; if I catch Joe Adams coming here again with his palavering face, I'll let him know!" "No, no! Don't, for mercy's sake, say any thing to Mr. Adams don't!" "Well, child, don't claw hold of a body so! Well, at any rate, I'll just let Joe Adams know that we hain't nothing more to say to him."

That will serve, Nesbitt, to tell them we'll attend to the wreck. Let us fill and bear away again. We can't afford to waste any more time palavering with our friend over yonder, who keeps us bowing and scraping like a veritable Frenchman as he is! Run up the signal now, signalman; and, Nesbitt, give him a parting dip of the ensign, and then brace round the yards and bear up!"

"We Englishmen have been taught to help our enemies in distress, mounseer," observed Job Truefitt, as, without waiting a moment to ask leave, he lifted the wounded lad on his shoulders. "There's no time for palavering. Come along, sirs." The midshipmen sprang on, helping Job to support his burden, and they soon reached the upper-deck, when the scene of horror and confusion was indescribable!

If not, I beg you get out of my sight, for I have neither the will nor the desire for palavering." "Oh, Richard, do keep your temper!" implored Dorothy. "Can you not see that Mr. Allen desires to do us to do you a service?" "Of that I am not so sure," I replied. "It is his way, Miss Manners," said the rector, "and I hold it not against him.

"I don't want any of your palavering," interrupted R ; "but I want to know why the devil you went and made beasts of yourselves?" "Wery good, my Lord, I'm coming to the sarcumstances; but we warn't drunk, my Lord notottoll." "D saw you drunk," said R . "No, my Lord, no;" calmly said Tom, "the Cap'n carn't substanshate that air. We warn't drunk, my Lord, notottoll."

He finally went about and asked how she was getting along. The actors were all dressing, talking, hurrying about. Drouet was palavering himself with the looseness of excitement and passion. The manager mastered himself only by a great effort. "We are going to supper, of course," he said, with a voice that was a mockery of his heart. "Oh, yes," said Carrie, smiling.

I take no shame in the pride with which I write of my grandfather, albeit he took the part of his Majesty and Parliament against the Colonies. He was no palavering turncoat, like my Uncle Grafton, to cry "God save the King!" again when an English fleet sailed up the bay. Mr.