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Updated: August 6, 2024

"Well, I've always hankered after a chance to show I'm brave. When I was a wee thing I used to cry because I couldn't be a soldier. I had the finest collection of tin soldiers you can imagine. A pairfect army. Mother used to stint herself to buy them for me.... Oh, dear! Oh, dear!" He felt her tremble again. "Well, we've come to the end of George the Fourth Bridge.

Richard, I do believe you're thoughtful. That'll be a great help in our married life." She turned over the glossy pages, clicking her tongue with disapproval. "Anti-Suffragists to a woman, I expect," adding honestly, "but pairfect teeth." Her little face, seen now in repose, unlit by the light that glowed in her eyes when she looked at him, was piteous with fatigue.

"Hoot awa', we a' ha'e our bees in our bonnets, Miss Cary," said the old woman, a trifle testily. "The minister's no pairfect, I daur say. But he's as gran' at praying as John Knox himself and he gars ye feel the loue and loueliness o' Christ like Maister Rutherford did.

I tried the feed, speered into the stoke-hole, thumbed all bearin's, spat on the thrust for luck, gied 'em my blessin', an' took Kinloch's socks before I went up to the bridge again. "Then Bell handed me the wheel, an' went below to warm himself. When he came up my gloves were frozen to the spokes an' the ice clicked over my eyelids. Pairfect North Atlantic winter weather, as I was sayin'.

As luck would have it, the old lady was in the act of rising from the green table, having just cut out from a rubber. Mr. "Miss Gilchrist," I whispered, "Miss Flora is faint: the heat of the room " "I've not observed it. The ventilation is considered pairfect." "She wishes to be taken home." With fine composure she counted back her money, piece by piece, into a velvet reticule.

'We'll be a day behind the fair at Liverpool. The Grotkau's got all the freight that might ha' been ours an' the Lammergeyer's. McRimmon laughed an' chuckled the pairfect eemage o' senile dementia. Ye ken his eyebrows wark up an' down like a gorilla's. "'Ye're under sealed orders, said he, tee-heein' an' scratchin' himself. 'Yon's they' to be opened seriatim.

"Ye'r senses are most pairfect, Sir Gervaise, and that I've always said was one reason why ye'r so great an admiral," returned Magrath. "Mind, only one, Sir Gervaise; for many qualities united, are necessary to make a truly great man. I see a middle-aged gentleman alighting, and servants around him, who wear the same liveries as those of this house.

But the gentle speaker had not paused. "Sare iss no vife so spiritual," she repeated, triumphantly, "and who got a hussbandt so spiritual, sat eeser vun do you say 'eeser vun'?" "Either one," said her hostess, reassuringly. "Yes, so spiritual sat eeser vun can keep sat rule inside to be pairfect' clean, if sat vun do not see usseh vun idealize." I made a stir "Hmm!"

The everlasting seas!" said the old fisher, man, rising And stretching upward and outward his bare, brown arm, "put them in a paintin'! Pairfect nonsense! Even-down sin!" From this conversation David went directly home. It was Saturday night and the boats all in harbor for the Sabbath day. The house place was spotlessly clean, the evening meal waiting.

Ony rollin''s better than pitchin' wi' superfeecial cracks in the tail-shaft. Calder knows that much, I said. "'It's ill wark retreevin' steamers this weather, said Bell. His beard and whiskers were frozen to his oilskin, an' the spray was white on the weather side of him. Pairfect North Atlantic winter weather!

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