United States or Saint Martin ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Peter shook his head rather sadly. "You outclass me in brains, Watts, as much as you do in other things" "Nonsense," said Watts. "I haven't one quarter of your head. But my ancestors here's to the old coves have been brain-culturing for three hundred years, while yours have been land-culturing; and of course my brain moves quicker and easier than yours.

Australia and New Zealand's part does not, in actual accomplishment or in personal daring and endurance, outclass the doings of these others, the larger half of the army. In fact, every second man one meets has the idea that the Australians and New Zealanders were the only men there.

But for all that, if a man and his money could be left alone if money were not such an envy-producer if a man with money had not so many friends and admirers and strangers who love him at first sight all might yet be well; and though he might not outclass some of the most corpulent magnates, he might in time acquire considerable moss in his own private, insignificant, Simple-Simon sort of way.

Vincent Richards passes from the junior ranks this year but leaves a successor who is worthy to wear his mantle in the person of Arnold W. Jones of Providence. Jones should outclass the field in 1922, by as wide a margin as did Richards this year. Arnold Jones has had a remarkable record. He won the boys' championship of America in 1919.

Australia, like Canada, has given much practical assistance in marketing the poultry products, the government maintaining packing stations, where the poultry is packed for export. The Australian laying contests are quoted in the present volume. They outclass anything else in the world along that line.

When the table was upended, its legs removed, and chairs arranged in rows, we had quite a roomy lecture hall. Ponting had cleverly chosen this opportunity to display a series of slides made from his own local negatives. I have never so fully realised his work as on seeing these beautiful pictures; they so easily outclass anything of their kind previously taken in these regions.

It is even possible, and in some lines of work we know that it is a fact, that homes may be mechanically equipped at very little cost to rival and even to outclass the factory in producing certain kinds of products for home consumption. Spinning, weaving, and knitting are doubtless best left in the hands of the factory worker.

That Breen, with his reputation for old Madeira and his supposed acquaintance with the intricacies of a Maryland kitchen, would outclass them both, had been whispered a dozen times since the receipt of his invitation, and he knew it. Hence the alert boy, the chef in the white cap, and hence the seesawing on the hearth-rug. "Like it, Crossbin?" asked Breen.

You can outclass me in the ring, but it wouldn't help you much to beat me up, would it? or Miss Adair, either. She's got some rights, hasn't she?" "Has she any that you are capable of respecting?" "Sure she has. I don't want to cause the little lady any inconvenience. She and Tommie Gilfoyle didn't belong together, anyway.

He had passed his life in sporting circles, and though he himself had seen more of jockeys than prizefighters, their respective circumferences intersected; and more than one case had come to his knowledge of a veteran of the Ring unconscious of his decadence, who had boastfully defied a junior, and made the painful discovery of the degree to which youth can outclass age.