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"You've got waiters enough, as far as that goes. But if you expect a hordinary Christian man to wait along of a lot o' narsty niggers, and be at their beck and call, you're mistook, sir, for I'm going to sleep the night at my brother-in-law's and take his advice, he bein' a doorkeeper at a solicitor's orfice and knowing the law, about this 'ere business, and so I wish you a good hevening, and 'oping your dinner will be to your liking and satisfaction."

"You never signify, Mistress, that the blessed recluse was an hypocrite?" "The blessed recluse was mighty fond of sweetbreads," said Alvena, taking a pin out of her mouth, "and many an one smuggled I in to her under my cloak, when Father Luke thought she was a-fasting on bread and water. And I, oping the door to see if it rained, trow! found these birds a-lying there.

Mitchell and Ted and a friend of 'is named Charlie Smith. They waited some time, but Uncle Joe didn't turn up, and they all got looking at the clock and talking about it, and 'oping he wouldn't make 'em miss the train. "Here he comes!" ses Ted, at last. Uncle Joe came rushing in, puffing and blowing as though he'd bust.

"Eh?" exclaimed the cobbler, "shake 'ands with old Nick, sir? But you're one o' the Quality, and I 'ates the Quality chop off their 'eads if I 'ad my way, I would! and my 'and's very dirty jest let me wipe it a bit, there sir, if you wish to! and 'ere's 'oping to see you again. Though, mark you, the Frenchies was quite right, there's nothing like the gillertine, I say. Good arternoon, sir."

There was a pause and then the door slowly opened and a woman's head protruded. She stared at them without speaking. "Mr. Brant," Stephen said. "I'm come back, Mrs. Williams 'oping you might 'ave that same room me and my friend might use if it's agreeable." She stepped forward then and looked at them more carefully.

The voice was masculine, carefully modulated, decidedly elegant. A different sort of voice gave answer: "'E said, sir ... mile, but knowing the hodd way they count distances away from the cities, sir, I'm 'ardly 'oping to see it under two mile hif that." Varney idly turned.

There was a doubting, almost a resentful, tone in the mincing voice. "I think she's at home. Isn't she expecting you?" Radmore had taken the woman for a superior servant. "She's not expecting me exactly, but me and my 'usband have been 'oping for a letter from Mrs. Crofton. As nothing's come, I thought I'd just come down and see 'er.

'I was 'oping, said the Cockney, with a solemn wink to the gathering, 'as 'ow Number 26 would be took by a toff, and, blime, if it ain't! It were gettin' blinkin' lonesome for me with only Jock 'ere and Frenchy opposite, who ain't bad blokes in their wy, but orful crude for my likin'. 'Where did it hit ye? asked the Scot encouragingly. 'On the head, said Selwyn, pointing to his bandage.

The traveller shook his head. "I was 'oping you might be," said the old man. The other manifested no curiosity. "If you 'ad been," said the old man, with a sigh, "I should ha' asked you to ha' done something useful.

Six months from now, I'll put a new life into things here." When Braun had disappeared, Ben Timmins drained a brandy and soda to his eternal discomfiture. "'Ere's 'oping the bloomin' ship founders with the old beggar," growled the Londoner, who had noted Braun sweep away the last thirty dollars in the till. "'E might have left me a few pennies."