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"If we knew all that chest holds, Deerslayer," returned the girl, when she had a little recovered from the immediate effect produced by his commendations of her personal appearance, "we could better determine on the course we ought to take." "That's not onreasonable, gal, though it's more a pale-face than a red-skin gift to be prying into other people's secrets."

"Doc Peets an' me, as I states, ain't lavishin' no onreasonable notice on these yere birds, an' they've been scatterin' along the trail for mebby it's an hour, when one of 'em comes to a plumb halt, sharp. The other stops likewise an' rounds up ag'inst his mate; an' bein' cur'ous to note what's pesterin 'em, Peets an' me curbs to a stand-still.

And I sez, "No, Josiah, I can't go into that with all the rest I have to do, and it seems onreasonable in that minister to want wimmen to climb up onto pedestals when they have to do their own housework." "Well, I say it hain't onreasonable. You ort to be up on one, Samantha." How could I take a tower histed up like the car of Juggernaut or a Pope in a procession.

The blue eyes, usually clear and steady, had a faded look as though the fire in them had suddenly gone out. "I've been shut up with the most onreasonable feller I ever see in all my life," said the Captain to the unasked question in the minister's eyes. "I cal'late I'll keep my thoughts to myself to-night, Mack, and sleep on them. The way I feel wouldn't be conducive to prayer-meeting language.

"Not onreasonable; though she had her faults. I consider Judith Hutter to have been as graceful, and about as likely to make a good ind as any woman who had lived so long beyond the sound of church bells; and I conclude old Tom sunk her as much by way of saving pains, as by way of taking it.

"For myse'f, however, I regyards the Colonel's definition as too narrow. Troo philanthrofy has a heap of things to it that's jest as onreasonable an' which does not incloode the fiscal teachers mentioned by the Colonel.

Feed 'em well, speak 'em kind, an' give 'em theah haids on a hahd pull er in a tight place, an' they gentle quick, an' easy an' come up pullin' arter every fall. But doan yuh never go to crowdin' of 'em onreasonable at thu wrong time er they'll balk an' lay down, er kick over thu dash-boahd an' run away, accordin' to thu natuah o' thu brute.

"O that helpless feymels should be at the mercy of she swayed like a reed shaken by the wind. Now." said Coggan, appealing in an earnest voice to the public at large as it stood clustered about his shoulder-blades. "Did ye ever hear such onreasonable woman as that? Upon my carcase, neighbours, if I could only get out of this cheesewring, the damn women might eat the show for me!"

"They say it all started because an anarchist killed an Austrian prince, but I don't believe it that sounds too onreasonable for me." "What has an Austrian prince to do with the rest of the nations?" "I told you I don't believe it!" repeated the mate. Madden felt impotent at the conclusion of the narrative.

"Well, I hope my young friend will like such a comely sample of his own blood. And tell'n, Tess, that being sunk, quite, from our former grandeur, I'll sell him the title yes, sell it and at no onreasonable figure." "Not for less than a thousand pound!" cried Lady Durbeyfield. "Tell'n I'll take a thousand pound. Well, I'll take less, when I come to think o't.