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"Your very distinguished conduct yesterday has been reported to me. I shall have sincere pleasure in forwarding your name for the vacant majority. "You have forgotten, Colonel Merivale, to send in the name of the officer who saved General Laborde's life." "I believe I have mentioned it, Sir Arthur," said the colonel: "Mr. O'Malley." "True, I beg pardon; so you have Mr.

And O'Malley knew perfectly well that while the other moved about carelessly, playing with books and papers on his desk, he was all the time keeping him under close observation.

"That must be your fellow, O'Malley; that must be your Irish groom!" cried a brother officer. There could be no doubt of it. It was Mike himself. "I'll be hanged, if he's not playing with them!" said Baker. "Look at the villain! He's holding in; that's more than the Frenchmen are doing. Look! look at the fellow on the gray horse! He has flung his trumpet to his back, and drawn his sabre."

"A mere trifle. How confoundedly silly Power must have looked, eh? Should like so much to have seen his face. He booked up next day, very proper fellow. By-the-bye, O'Malley, I rather like the little girl; she is decidedly pretty, and her foot, did you remark her foot? capital." "Yes, she's very good-looking," said I, carelessly.

The rhododendron forest that had concealed their approach resumed its normal aspect, but burning now with colors innumerable as the sunrise caught its thousand blossoms. And O'Malley understood that during "sleep" he had passed with his companion through the gates of ivory and horn, and stood now within the first Garden of the early world.

"They'll have to work to catch up with us now," said Nora O'Malley triumphantly to the members of the team, who sat resting in the little side room off the gymnasium. "We have the lead, but we can't afford to boast yet," replied Grace. "The seniors played a fine game last half, and they'll strain every nerve to pile up their score next half." "We shall win," said Miriam Nesbit confidently.

If she forces her way in here, I shall go deranged outright; O'Malley, my boy, read this note, and you will not feel surprised if I appear in the humor you see me." I took the billet from the hands of Miss Dashwood, and read as follows: DEAR BROTHER, When this reaches your hand, I'll not be far off. I'm on my way up to town, to be under Dr. Dease for the ould complaint.

"No more than yourself; but I always lie by for three or four days this way, till I get used to the confounded rocking and pitching, and with a little grog and some sleep, get over the time gayly enough. Steward, another tumbler like the last; there very good that will do. Your good health, Mr. what was it you said?" "O'Malley." "O'Malley your good health! Good-night."

In the operations room the next morning, their papers were ready and they headed out on the field where three big Mustangs stood ready and warmed up. They were powerhouses with wicked armament and plenty of wingspread. In addition to wing guns, they had bomb racks which were fitted with extra gasoline tanks. "Sure, an' they're one-man bombers," O'Malley crowed.

O'Malley remembers the little detail, because it serves to show that he was yet still in a state of intensified consciousness, far above the normal level. It was still "like walking in my sleep or acting out some splendid dream," as he put it in his written version. "Half out of my body, if you like, though in no sense of the words at all half out of my mind!"