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Because the Foreign Office feared the reaction it might have upon the people, the newspapers were not permitted to publish the text until the press bureaus of the Navy and the Foreign Office had mobilised the editorial writers and planned a publicity campaign to follow the note's publication. But the Navy and Foreign Office could not agree on what should be done. The Navy wanted to ignore Wilson.

He said it was very important, and he's waiting for you down by the white bridge over the creek." "Waiting for who?" asked Jack. "For Mark, I guess; but I don't know. Anyhow, the note's for him." "Hum! This is rather strange," mused Mark. "What is it?" asked Jack. "Why, this note. It says: 'It is important that I see you. I will wait for you at the white bridge. That's all there is to it."

He slipped something quickly into his pocket and turned about. It was a photograph of Joan. "Well, you Jack-o'-Lantern," he said. "It's better late than never, I suppose." Howard sent his straw hat spinning across the room. It landed expertly in a chair. "My dear chap, your note's been lying in my apartment for a week, snowed under my bills.

"What's the matter?" "I can't sleep with bugs crawling over me," said Ned. "I'm going to camp out in the park. Here's a 'note' to help you along and here's the address to go to if you conclude to go up to Queensland for the union. I'll see about it first thing in the morning so he'll expect you. The 'note's' yours whether you go or not."

Leave the study at once. Wat. Tut! tut! I'll make it up to them. A bank note's a good plaster. Bill. Pleasir, shall I run and fetch a bobby? I likes to see a swell wanted. Ger. You hold your tongue. Wat. I didn't think you'd have served me so, Mattie! Indeed I didn't! It's not kind after what's been between you and me. But I don't want to bear malice: take that. Old times, you know! Take it.

"Why why why," he stammered, and then saw the mutilated blossoms on the ground around him. "Why, I don't know don't know," said he. "'Don't ask me." She was rummaging among the stems, nonplussed. "Why, here's a note!" she said. "Thank heaven!" the Colonel thought, "the note's there yet!"

He asked no questions. In good time he knew he would be told all it was necessary for him to know. As they rode from the Bronx, Clay outlined the situation and told his plans so far as he had any. "So I'm goin' to take a whirl at it, Johnnie. Mebbe they're lyin' low up in that house to get me. Mebbe the note's the real thing. You can search me which it is.

Bassett had an extraordinary feeling of unreality, followed by one of doubt. Either the fellow was a very good actor, or "Sorry," Dick said slowly. "I don't seem to get it. I don't know that 'G' is as important as his warning. That note's a warning." "Yes. It's a warning. And I don't think you need me to tell you what about." "Concerning my uncle, or myself?"

It was, however, with some misgiving that he studied the broad shoulders and powerful frame of the erstwhile poacher. "Very good of you, I'm sure, to warn me." "Good of me? It was imperative, let me tell you, sir. No man can abuse my servants and trample all over my land and disturb my fish " "Excuse me, but I haven't time to listen to all that. The note's sufficient.

Perhaps if I saw your doll-house and teeny-weeny dolls I'd get to like to play with them too. We have a Oh, Alie, as Alie, surprised at the length and apparent friendliness of the conversation proceeding between the two children, hastened up. 'Oh, Alie, isn't it funny? She's his little girl. The note's for her house. Rosalys turned her soft blue eyes full on Celestina.