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It contains, like the same writer's description of the last appearance of Knox in the pulpit, one of the most living pieces of portraiture in our literature: 'When we cam to his chalmer, we fand him sitting in his chaire, teatching his young man that servit him in his chalmer a, b, ab; e, b, eb, etc. Efter salutation, Mr. Andro sayes, "I sie, sir, yie are nocht ydle."

I vse nocht to vryt on the bak of ony of my letteris concerning this errand. On the back ‘Sprott,’ ‘bookit’ . Robert Logan of Restalrig to the Earl of Gowrie. My Lo.—My maist humbill dewtie vith servise in maist hartly maner remembred. Yit alvayse my lo. And the soner ve broght owr purpose to pass it ver the better, before harwest.

What did ye think Jock took ye for? This is nane o' yer Castle tricks," he said; "mind, Jock can bite yet!" Ralph laughed. "No, no, Jock, you need not be feared. She and I are going to be married some day before very long" a statement made entirely without authority. "Hoot, hoot!" said Jock, "wull nocht ser' ye but that ava a sensible man like you?

I hew na vill that ather my brother or yit M.W.R. my Lo. ald pedagog knaw ony thing of the matter, qhill all be done that ve vald hew done; and thane I cair nocht qha get vit, that lufis vs. Ye knaw the kingis hwnting vill be schortly, and than sall be best tyme, as M.A.R. has asswred me, that my Lo. has resolved to interpryse that matter.

"An' ye may thank a kind Providence gin there's plenty o' heather on the end o't. Keep aye plenty o' heather on the end o' the besom," said Saunders; "a prudent man aye sees to that. What is't to buy a new besom or twa frae a tinkler body, whan ye see the auld yin gettin' bare? Nocht ava, ye can tak' the auld yin oot to the stable, or lose it some dark nicht on the moor!

"Now, what's broucht ye to this, Gilnockie?" the Earl inquired. "Oh, nocht but having twa bit tethers in my hand, my lord," said Willie. But: "Weel, I wadna say but there micht mebbes hae been twa cowt at the tae end o' the tethers," he admitted, on being pressed by the Earl.

Caa that ye nocht?" "Well, Saunders," said the minister, going out, "certainly I wish you good speed in your wooing; but see that you fall no more out with Birsie, lest you be more bruised than you are now; and for the rest, learn wisely to restrain your unruly member." "Thank ye, minister," said Saunders; "I'll do my best endeavours to obleege ye.

Yet God be glorified, it will nocht ly in your power to hang nor exyll His treuthe! Sometimes, as here, words show a valour as great as doughtiest deeds of battle: they give the man who has uttered them a place for ever in the book of honour; they pass into the storehouse of our most cherished legends; and as often as crises occur in our history which make a severe demand upon our virtue, they are recalled to stir the moral pulse of the nation and brace it to its duty.

I care not. Thou mayst repent of thy folly when I am gone. "'Robene thou has hard soung and say, In gesties and stories auld The man that will not quhen he may, Sall haif nocht quhen he wald." Never mair, Rob Paterson, shalt thou have offer of spirit of wine. It shall go there first!"

Think o' him! I hae thocht o' nocht else. Think of him! Since when is thinkin' a crime? A lass maun juist do the best she can for hersel', be she cotman's dochter or laird's. Love's a' yae thing kitchen or byre, but or ben. See a lad, lo'e a lad, get a lad, keep a lad! Ralph Peden will kiss me afore the year's oot," she said with determination.