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"Lawyerly! ergo, absurd and unsatisfactory!" pronounced the reader, to whom the foregoing leaf had been committed on the morning of her brother's departure with his slowly-convalescing wife for their Albany home. "But until the nettle pricks more nearly, I shall continue to enjoy my roses." They had blossomed thickly about her path during this decade.

Eleanor would not have watched the most brilliant performance at His Majesty's Theatre for a single evening under such uncomfortable circumstances, and to be asked to watch lesser whitethroats creeping up and down a nettle "almost every evening" during the height of the season struck her as an imputation on her intelligence that was positively offensive.

The nettle, standing straight and prim, asking no favors of anybody, may rail at the grape-vine, which must lay hold of something, small matter what, by which to steady itself; but the nettle might well be willing to forego somewhat of its self-sufficiency, if by so doing it could bring forth grapes.

The substance which is thus active is a mass of protoplasm, and its activity differs in detail, rather than in principle, from that of the protoplasm of the nettle.

The Star was down below, a hundred leagues from any lover, and the sea was deep upon her, and her guns were silent and her decks untrodden.... He was wearied of Baldry's company, impatient of his mad temper and peasant breeding, very sure that he chose, open-eyed, to torment himself from Teneriffe to America with the sight of a prospering foe merely that that foe might feel a nettle in his unwilling grasp.

You've never lent him since you hed him, an' there ain't enough raiders across the border to steal him from you. It's got a queer look thet hoss bein' gone. "'You sure are a swell detective, Hawe, an' I wish you a heap of luck, replied Stewart. "Thet 'peared to nettle Pat beyond bounds, an' he stamped around an' swore. Then he had an idea.

In spite of their aristocratic, high-bred air, their long necks and waists and slender wrists and ankles, their high heels and gorgeous clothes, they were as angry as cooks. "She was laying eggs on my food-plant!" cried the Princess. "I wasn't!" shrilled the Countess. "What do I want with her old nettle? Don't I know Croton capita turn when I see it?

And so I say to you, boys and girls, be sure in your own minds that you are doing right, then go boldly ahead, and you will find the gates down and the tracks clear. Let this be your motto: "Silken-handed stroke a nettle, And it stings you for your pains. Grasp it like a man of mettle, And it soft as silk remains."

The hot air seemed to beat upon him in palpable waves, and the nettle sting tingled and itched intolerably; and he was alone upon the fairy hill, within the great mounds, within the ring of oaks, deep in the heart of the matted thicket.

"Come, Donee," he said. But the miller's little Thad. and Jenny had found Donee behind the trough, and the three were making a nettle basket together, and were very well acquainted already. "Let the child stay till you come back from fishing, Oostogah," said the miller. So Donee staid all the afternoon.