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He looked at the watch. Half-past eight. Ali waited stolidly. "Go to the settlement," said Almayer, "and tell Mahmat Banjer to come and speak to me to-night." Ali went off muttering. He did not like his errand.

For at the first movement of Morgan toward the sleeping black's feet, the boy sprang up and showed his teeth like a dog. "Stop! Keep back," said my father, and Morgan drew away, muttering something about a savage young tom wolf. "It is quite natural," said my father, "and strengthens my ideas. He thought his companion was going to be hurt." As my father spoke, he moved toward the boy.

She went double, always talking and muttering to herself. Folk said she snared birds and rabbits, in the thicket that came down to her hovel. How it came to pass I cannot say, but many a one fell sick in the village, and much cattle died one spring, when I was near four years old.

After Lyle had gone, Jack took the picture, and after looking at it sadly for a moment, replaced it in the little case in his trunk where it had lain so long, and then sat down by the fire, muttering, "Strange she did not see the resemblance! I hoped she would; there could not be two faces more alike."

Under his direction an impromptu wigwam was speedily built of long boughs, with the high rock as a background; this was thatched with bushes, and the shawls and cloaks spread over the whole as the first muttering of thunder was heard. "Oh!" said Edith Chase, "what shall I do? I cannot stand the lightning!" "Come inside with me!" said Aunt Faith; "you can hide your head in my lap."

Tepas, familiar with the contempt of Romans, took the flask, and, pouring into his cup, drank of the rich wine. Then Appius held the flask above his head, and with a word of scorn flung it into the sea. He started to cross the deck and fell heavily. Now, after striving, as it seemed, to regain his feet, he lay awhile muttering and helpless and soon began to snore.

Misha had begun to advance in a menacing way towards me, but on this, suddenly he stopped, his face worked, flushed, he struck himself on the breast, the tears rushed from his eyes, and muttering, 'Uncle! angel! I know I'm a ruined man! thanks! thanks! he snatched up the note and ran away.

The blinds were partially drawn as the strong light worried the child, and by the little white bed sat Assunta, her brown face pale and almost rigid with anxiety. At my approach she raised her eyes to mine, muttering softly: "It is always so. Our Lady will have the best of all, first the father, then the child; it is right and just only the bad are left."

At these words Kaku could no longer control himself, but began to walk up and down the room, muttering and snatching at his beard.

“‘Let’s get to Bashkai, thensays Dan, ‘and, by God, when I come back here again I’ll sweep the valley so there isn’t a bug in a blanket left“‘We walked all that day, and all that night Dan was stumping up and down on the snow, chewing his beard and muttering to himself.