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Then he had sold out his interest at a small profit just in time to miss his chance of becoming a multi-millionaire in the Comstock boom and was looking for reinvestments in other lines when the news that "wheat had been discovered in California" was passed from mouth to mouth. Practically it amounted to a discovery. Dr.

In single file this throng of Telephonians would make a living wall from New York to New Haven. Such is the extraordinary city of which Alexander Graham Bell was the only resident in 1875. It has been built up without the backing of any great bank or multi-millionaire. There have been no Vanderbilts in it, no Astors, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Harrimans.

Grant's electric had swung in at the end of the long line of carriages of all kinds, from coach of ambassador and costly limousine of multi-millionaire to humble herdic wherein poor, official grandee's wife and daughter were feeling almost as common as if they had come in a street car or afoot.

He feels that a small fortune should satisfy anybody but when he gets it he wants to be a millionaire. If he succeeds in that he then desires to become a multi-millionaire. Whether the desire is for wealth, or for fame, or for power, the same result follows when the desire is satisfied a greater one takes its place and spurs the ambitious one to still further exertion.

No, but I gave them to understand that you were my 'friend. I didn't mention that you are a multi-millionaire and a genius on leg bones " "Julia, my poor girl, if you think you are marrying a multi- millionaire, disabuse your mind, dear child! Aren't women mercenary, though!

The facts of history are imparted by a love story centering around the adventures of a hitherto unknown son of Louis the Fourteenth. And a discussion of the relations of labor and capital takes the form of a romance in which the daughter of a multi-millionaire steps voluntarily out of her Fifth Avenue home to work in a steam laundry.

Anita rose slowly, her eyes fixed upon the face of the minister, and with her hands resting upon the chair-back, as if to steady herself, she asked quietly: "Why should I not? What is there which I, his daughter, should not know? Dr. Franklin, there is something behind all this which you are trying to conceal from me. I knew my father to be a multi-millionaire.

How odd not to have a servant pass it! "You come from New York?" the host hazarded. "Yes," drawled the youth, "Shafton's my name, Laurence Shafton, son of William J., of Shafton and Gates you know," he added impressively. The host was polite but unimpressed. It was almost as though he had never heard of William J. Shafton the multi-millionaire. Or was it?

The multi-millionaire in his mansion or the king on his throne, surrounded by all the comforts and conveniences, all the marvelous treasures, all that is pleasing to the eye and to the senses, may not be happy may be unhappy.

"Very right very proper!" murmured Mr. Owlett, as he took the offered document from Helmsley's hand and opened it "Um um! let me see! " Here he read aloud "I, David Helmsley, um um! Helmsley Helmsley! that's a name that I seem to have heard somewhere! David Helmsley! yes! why that's the name of a multi-millionaire! ha-ha-ha! A multi-millionaire! That's curious!