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Updated: August 12, 2024

Hastings was responsible by every tie and every principle, and was made responsible at last by a positive act of Parliament obliging him to yield obedience to their commands as the general rule of his duty, the Court of Directors, I say, perfectly approved of every part of General Clavering's, Colonel Monson's, and Mr. Francis's conduct; they approved of this inquiry which Mr.

Her face did not change as she spoke, and there was no friendliness in her tone, but he thanked God that he was, and looked, ill. "My heart is weak, I believe; nothing organic. It is very warm, and I never can bear heat. You look tired yourself." She nodded absently. "Yes, I have been away at the Bertie Monson's. Nelly Monson always gives me a headache, she talks so loud.

"Of course, we have heard reports of the disaster to Monson's force. Was it as serious as they say?" "It was very serious, sir. I was with them, and they suffered terribly. They lost their guns and baggage, and at least a third of their infantry." "It is unfortunate, very unfortunate, Captain Lindsay.

He next insulted Lisbon; and finding that the merchants, who had engaged entirely in expectation of profit, were discontented at these military enterprises, he set sail for the Terceras, with an intention of lying in wait for a rich carrack, which was expected in those parts. * Camden, p. 540. Sir William Monson's Naval Tracts in Churchill's Voyages, vol. iii. p. 156.

He knows, in the battles of Assaye and Poona, how Scindia was utterly routed; and how, at Laswaree and Delhi, the Mahrattas were scattered; and I do not think that he will venture upon giving battle. But if he does, I have no fear, whatever, of the result. It was more than his whole army could do to break up Monson's force, although composed entirely of native infantry, until it was near Agra.

He was afterwards taken prisoner during Monson's retreat and put to death by Holkar's orders. The enemy were commanded by natives, having withdrawn their confidence from Perron's French Lieutenant, Colonel Pedron, who was on that occasion made prisoner by the troops.

But, doubtless, the news of the disaster to Colonel Monson's force had shaken him; and convinced him that the English were not invincible, and that Holkar's immense army would inflict a decisive defeat upon them, in which case those who had shown any friendly feeling towards the English would be made to suffer for it by devastation of their lands, and the loss of their jagheer, if not of their lives.

An excellent remedy for the nonsense which still clings about religion may be found in two books: Cotter Monson's 'Service of Man, which was published as long ago as 1887, and has since been re-issued by the Rationalist Press Association in its well-known sixpenny series, and J. Allanson Picton's 'Man and the Bible. Similarly, those who wish to acquire a sane view of the relations between man and God would do well to read Winwood Reade's 'Martyrdom of Man."

Weston had also received another phial by Franklin's son from Lady Essex. This also Sir Gervase had taken and destroyed. Then there had been tarts and jellies supplied by Mrs Turner. Coke had Mrs Turner and Franklin arrested, and after that Sir Gervase was taken as an accessory, and on his statement that he had employed Weston on Sir Thomas Monson's recommendation Sir Thomas also was roped in.

A fortnight's rest will do us no harm, for we have been riding hard almost ever since we left Agra with Monson's force." "It is well, sahib, that you were with us when we were captured. Had we been alone, we should have had no mercy. It is because the rajah regards you as such a valuable prisoner that we have been spared. "If you had not given your promise, I think we might have made our escape."

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