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I don't think that I should go to talk of that to strangers. "'Then you can keep some things to yourself, Meeta, said Monique; 'and we shall not excuse you if you are so imprudent as to let out this affair of the treasure we have found to anyone. "'Don't fear me, grandmother, returned Meeta; 'nobody shall hear from me but we must watch little Margot.

Monique had filled the basket with everything she thought might be useful a bottle of cream, new-laid eggs, and fresh flowers. She bade Margot and Meeta be good girls, and keep close at home, when she parted from them, with a kiss to each; and the next minute she and Ella were going down the hill." "I know what is coming next," cried Henry, as Emily turned over a leaf; "but do make haste, Emily."

Even at Bellaise, when first we came there, we used to sing them, but the Mother Abbess went out visiting, and when she came back she said they were heretical. And Soeur Monique would not let me say the texts he taught me, but I WOULD not forget them. I say them often in my heart. 'Then, he cried joyfully, 'you will willingly embrace my religion? 'Be a Huguenot? she said distastefully.

'Then you would not rather be at the Carmelites, or Maubuisson, near me? 'Ah! Madame, there would not be Soeur Monique. If the journey would only make me die, as soon as I came, with Soeur Monique to hush me, and keep off dreadful images! 'Dear child, you should put away the thought of dying. Maybe you are to live, that your prayers may win salvation for the soul of him you love. 'Oh, then!

The superior, with Sisters Louise des Anges and Anne de Sainte-Agnes, were sent to the house of Sieur Delaville, advocate, legal adviser to the sisterhood; Sisters Claire and Catherine de la Presentation were placed in the house of Canon Maurat; Sisters Elisabeth de la Croix, Monique de Sainte-Marthe, Jeanne du Sainte-Esprit, and Seraphique Archer were in a third house.

'The Cure of Nissard told me that she was traced through cakes, the secret of which was only known at Bellaise. 'That might be, said Mere Monique. 'I remember there was something of pride in the cakes of Bellaise, though I always tried to know nothing of them. 'Well, little one, continue, entreated Berenger. 'You are giving me life and hope.

Ursula, if her Prioress would obtain his recovery by their prayers; the other that he was going to translate her to the royal Abbey of Fontevrault to take charge of his daughter, Madame Elisabeth. Any way, high honour by a royal messenger must be intended to the Prioress, Mere Monique, and the Luconnais were proud of her sanctity.

'De Ribaumont! she said; 'can it be the child of of out poor dear little pensionnaire at Bellaise? 'It is it is! cried Berenger. 'O Madame, you knew her at Bellaise? 'Even so, replied the Prioress, who was in fact the Soeur Monique so loved and regretted by Eustacie. 'I loved and prayed for her with all my heart when she was claimed by the world.

Her mind, therefore, was full of some plan for rewarding these poor honest people, and more especially when Monique told her how the least of the family had found the net and the golden fish and the moons.

"Margot was still a little plump, smiling, chattering, child, almost a baby in her ways; but everyone loved her, for she was as a pet lamb, under the eye of the shepherd. "Monique had received her, before she could walk, from her dying mother, and she had reared her with the tenderest care. "As to Martin, more need not be said of him but that the wish to please God was ever present with him.