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Updated: August 7, 2024

It belongs to that class of tales concerning which the mildest doubt is hateful blasphemy. "A little girl in Ithaca, just before she died, exclaimed: 'Papa, take hold of my hand and help me across. Her father had died two months before. Did she see him?" There is not a doubt of it; but interested relatives have somewhat misstated the little girl's exclamation, which was this:

He was simply mistaken. Other people have misstated the year of their birth without being branded liars on that account. Sometimes even a professor forgets things, and Luther was a professor. What Luther has said about the rigor of his monastic life is perfectly true, but it was no reason why in 1512 he should counsel men to become monks.

But Johnson informed me, that he had made the bargain for Goldsmith, and the price was sixty pounds. Then, to be sure, it was accidentally worth more money. Mrs. Piozzi and Sir John Hawkins have strangely misstated the history of Goldsmith's situation and Johnson's friendly interference, when this novel was sold.

No man can be all heat, and at the same time all coolness; but opposite causes not unoften produce like effects. Passion usually makes men changeable, so sometimes does craft: hence the mistake of the uninquiring or the shallow; and hence while writes, and compiles, will the characters of great men be transmitted to posterity misstated and belied.

With all our respect for Ruskin, we think that he has asserted many things, but proved next to nothing. He has utterly misunderstood and misstated Pre-Raphaelitism, which will thus be one day the weaker for his support. But, pending this inevitable decline in favor at home, Pre-Raphaelitism colonizes.

Had our learned author, the modern Sangerado, confined himself to facts and to reasoning on the constitution, he might have continued to write without interruption from its opposers, until by instructing others, he had obtained that instruction which he seems to need, or a temporary relief from the inenviable malady, the cacoethes scribendi; but his frequent misrepresentations having exposed him to suspicions that as a disciple of Mandeville he was an advocate for vice, or that to correct his curiosity some humourist has palmed on him a spurious history of the proceedings of the federal convention, and exhibited his credulity as a subject of ridicule, it is proper to set him right in facts, which, in almost every instance he has misstated.

I told him that it was well known that he and every other man of position had been tremulously fearing death at every turn for weeks, and had been unwilling to do anything when they might have really saved the situation; merely because they were so afraid; that everything had been misstated in the reports, and that although the full truth might not be known for years, eventually it would be known and people would understand.

He writes against an allusion to Hobbes, 'Ignorant blasphemy of the greatest of English philosophers! The lad has misstated an argument from ignorance of Bentham and Austin. Among the special qualifications of a lawyer, the desire for justice takes a prominent place in his argument.

Having thus stated the principal outlines of these two most interesting actions, I shall now quit them, to put the Abbe right in his misstated account of the debt and paper money of America, wherein, speaking of these matters, he says, "These ideal riches were rejected. The more the multiplication of them was urged by want, the greater did their appreciation grow.

Is all this true, senors, or have I misstated any part of the story, so far?" George paused for a reply; but for a full minute or more there was no response. Then at last the alcalde slowly rose to his feet and stretching forth his right hand deprecatingly toward the young captain, said: "Most illustrious senor, all that you have said is absolutely true. But before "

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