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All the same, I'm very sorry that this change of fortune didn't come off earlier or later, for I am well aware of how you will jib at it. Well, I can tell you, on her own authority, that Bridget never wrote to Mr Maule as she had promised. She had no communication with him from the time he left the station until they met on the E. and A. boat.

It will take a tighter workman than I am to keep the spirits out of the Seven Gables. Even if the Colonel would be quiet," he added, muttering to himself, "my old grandfather, the wizard, will be pretty sure to stick to the Pyncheons as long as their walls hold together." "What's that you mutter to yourself, Matthew Maule?" asked Scipio. "And what for do you look so black at me?"

Restless under the obsession, she wandered up the gully and, as she sat among the rocks, wrestled with her black angel and conquered. Clearly there was but one thing to do. She must send Maule away at once before Colin came back. As for Colin, that trouble must be faced separately. Maule must ride back to Tunumburra he knew the track.

But whatever he may have intended to say, the sentence remained unfinished. Maule did not wait for its completion. He advanced yet nearer to where Usselex stood, he looked him in the face, and without raising his voice, he said: "This lady, Mr. Usselex, is not your wife, nor are you her husband."

"Henry Maule of Melgum was a gentleman, Mr. Oldbuck." "I presume he had no advantage of me in that particular," replied the Antiquary, somewhat tartly. "Permit me, Mr. Oldbuck he was a gentleman of high family, and ancient descent, and therefore" "The descendant of a Westphalian printer should speak of him with deference? Such may be your opinion, Sir Arthur it is not mine.

It is therefore a cheery country to travel through, and at this spring-time of the year one sees it in its highest perfection. Before reaching Talca we had to cross the Maule, a wide, deep river, with a swift current.

"And would not that in your judgment, instead of showing that he was insane, prove that he was a very sensible man?" The Vicar did not quite assent to this, and as he would not dissent from the learned Judge, said nothing. "And," continued Maule, "that he was perfectly sane, although he murdered his wife?"

He was not a great believer in the defence of insanity except, occasionally, that of the solicitor who set it up and consequently watched the Vicar with scrutinizing intensity. "Have you finished with your witness, Mr. Woollet?" his lordship inquired. "Yes, my lord." Maule then took him in hand, and after looking at him steadfastly for about a minute, said,

'Will if you are going to stay here you mustn't talk like that. It's not playing the game. She spoke pleadingly. 'Does your husband play the game? Maule retorted. 'Is it playing the game to leave you here alone with me, when he must know or at least, guess how things have been between us? Do you think I didn't notice yesterday that he suspected me suspected us both?

But they wouldn't come until after she had gone and there was no further danger of a duel taking place outside the Bachelors' Quarters. Maule took her cue again and laughed as if the matter were one to jest about. But as he looked round, his face did not suggest merriment. Nor for that matter did the landscape.