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At the call of a bugle the band struck up Hail Columbia, the whole audience keeping time, as at Drury Lane, when God Save The King is played after a great national victory. At the discharge of a marine's musket the curtain rose, and four sailors, in the picturesque garb of Maltese mariners, staggered on the stage in a feigned state of intoxication.

Corina retrieved the blade, ran her fingers gently along it before returning it to its sheath, and resumed her seat. She sensed the Marine's puzzlement, and decided she should try to explain. "It is a part of me, in a way. Having it in someone else's possession makes me quite uncomfortable." Dawson shook his head. "I don't understand. I know it means you're an adult, but it's just a knife."

This disease, which carried off many men, had been introduced on board by the Minister of Marine's army of ninety men, shipped at Coquimbo. I now proceeded in search of the Prueba, with the flag-ship, Lautaro, Galvarino, and Puyrredon.

What ails you?" demanded the marine. "I'm all right," growled the prisoner. "I'll be hanged if you look it!" was the marine's emphatic answer. "What are you talking about?" demanded the prisoner, angrily. "Man alive, I wish you could see your face!" "I could if this place were fitted with a mirror," sneered Sam Truax.

Ensign Fullerton received it, returning the marine's salute, and passed the envelope to Jack Benson, who opened it. "Our sailing orders, Mr. Fullerton," announced Jack, as soon as the former had dismissed the formation at the mast. "This telegram gives, as you see, the latest reported position of the schooner believed to be the 'Juanita, and her course. You will get under way at once, Mr.

"You will pass inside, sir, at once," directed the marine orderly, as the young officer halted near the door. Acknowledging the marine's salute, Dave Darrin passed him and entered the office. Lieutenant Cantor, erect and stern, faced Captain Gales, who looked the sterner of the two.

I could see, too, that he looked as if he recognised me in some sort of way, or was anxious to make my acquaintance. "Hullo!" he cried, as I gained the deck and returned, with much conscious dignity, the marine's salute, "why, you're the fellow who nearly got stranded in Euclid!"

Pigeon's measure had already been very accurately taken on board by the crew. "Fellow, you are an impertinent scoundrel," exclaimed Pigeon. "What's your name?" "Mum's the word," answered the marine, with perfect gravity. "Ah! you think I am not up to you, do you?" cried Pigeon, glancing at the marine's musket. "I see it where you forgot that it was, ha! ha!"

As, from the Minister of Marine's reply, the document was evidently intended to remain there without further notice, I addressed the following letter to the Supreme Director:

Gentlemen!" cried Gadsden, "don't hurt him! Look here!" And from the drawer he displayed Shot-gun's weapon. They understood in a second, and calmly watched the enraged and disappointed Shot-gun. But he was a man. He saw how he had frightened the women, and he stood in the middle of the floor with eyes that did not at all resemble Aqua Marine's at present. "I'm all right now, boys," he said.