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Had he worn the soldierly garb in which he presented himself at Marcian's villa, the revival of a dread memory would have pierced her heart. Even as in outward man he was the Basil she had loved, so did his voice recall that brighter day. 'Unhappy most of all, he continued, 'in what I least dare speak of. I have no ground to plead for pardon.

Marcian's brows were knit, and his eyes cast down as he listened to this reproof. 'I had not thought of Petronilla, he murmured. 'But for her, the danger was not pressing. That thick-skulled Hun at Cumae easily let himself be blinded, as I told you.

Though he smiled, there was no mistaking Marcian's earnestness. For the moment he had shaken off his visions of Tartarus, and was his saner self once more. 'If I knew that she has gone! cried Basil wretchedly. 'If I knew! 'So you take your chance? 'Listen! You speak of prison, of torture. Marcian, can you not help, me to capture that woman, and to get from her the truth?

'Do you mean, he asked, 'that something new has befallen? His eyes were upon Marcian, and Marcian's upon those of Proserpine. 'Yes, something new. The deacon of whom you know has left Rome, accompanying the Pope on his journey eastward. And with him he has taken A name was shaped upon the speaker's lips, but whether of purpose, or because his voice failed him, it found no utterance.

On receipt of Marcian's last letter, he had not delayed a day before setting forth; all was in readiness for such a summons, and thirty well-mounted, well-armed men, chosen from the slaves and freedmen on his Asculan estate in Picenum, rode after him to join the King of the Goths.

Had there been a previous command from some high source touching the Gothic maiden, Chorsoman would never have dared to sell her freedom. As to Marcian's power, that was derived from the authorities at Rome, and granted him for other ends; if he used it to release Veranilda, he acted merely out of love to his friend, as would soon be seen. 'I will hope so, murmured Aurelia.

With what eyes would the king regard Marcian's slayer? The words he had not dared to speak leapt to his lips. 'Felix, know you anything of the Gothic lady of her whom we lost? 'The lord Venantius brought her to Aesernia, was the grave reply, 'and she is now among the wives and daughters of the Gothic lords who move with the army.

In the portico which led to the villa he heard his name shouted, and he knew the voice for Marcian's; another moment and Marcian himself appeared, pale, agitated. 'Why do you seek me? cried Basil. 'You come from yonder? Have you seen Aurelia? Then it is true. Marcian told the news brought up from Surrentum by some person unknown, who, having uttered it in the porter's ear, had at once fled.

Basil could make no reply, and the other, closely observing his strange countenance, went on to explain that, scarcely started from Aesernia on his way to the king, Marcian's messenger had met with Totila himself, who was nearer than had been thought. After reading the letter, Totila had come on rapidly to Aesernia, and had forthwith despatched Venantius to the villa by Arpinum.

Notwithstanding all his efforts, this man failed to discover whether Veranilda had indeed passed into the guardianship of Bessas; good reason in Marcian's view for believing that she was still detained by Leander, and probably in some convent.