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I saw him come forth from Marcian's house, when I was there on the king's service; but, of course, I could not speak with him. Veranilda had seated herself within the portico. Basil stood before her, ever and again meeting her eyes as she looked up. 'Just as little, he resumed after a pause of troubled thought, 'can I know whether Marcian believed me a traitor, or himself had a traitorous mind.

Having inquired as to the road over the mountains by which he might reach Arpinum more quickly than by the Latin Way, he rode forth from the town, and was soon spurring at headlong speed in a cloud of dust. His thoughts far outstripped him; he raged at the prospect of long hours to elapse ere he could reach Marcian's villa. With good luck he might arrive before nightfall.

'What of that? was her reply, with a careless glance. 'I would not stir a step to escape its fangs. And, burying her face in her hands, she wept. These tears, this attitude of bewildered grief, were Marcian's encouragement. He had dreaded the innocence of her eyes lest it should turn to distrust and rejection.

Not yet the 'taciturnus amnis, which it becomes in the broad, seaward valley far below, the Liris at this point parts into two streams, enclosing a spacious island, and on either side of the island leaps with sound and foam, a river kindred to the mountains which feed its flood. Between the two cataracts, linked to the river banks with great arched bridges, stood Marcian's villa.