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Updated: August 21, 2024

It is to be observed that the Pope calls his judgment the Judgment of the Holy Ghost, just as Pope Clement I. did in the first recorded judgment. See his letter, secs. 58, 59, 63, quoted in Church and State, 198-199. Photius, i. 124. Domini sacerdotes. Jaffé, 365; Mansi, vii. 1065. iv. 16. Silentiarius, in the Greek court, officers who kept silence in the emperor's presence.

I begin to grow over-hardened, and, like a stag turning at bay, my naturally good temper grows fierce and dangerous. Yet what a romance to tell, and told I fear it will one day be. And then my three years of dreaming and my two years of wakening will be chronicled doubtless. But the dead will feel no pain. November 8. Domum mansi, lanam feci.

Ecclesia orientalis ad Symmachum episcopum Romanum. Mansi, viii. 221-6. In qua fortitudinem Ecclesiæ suæ constituit. Epistola Anastasii ad Hormesdam pontificem. Mansi, viii. 384. Mansi, viii. 389-393. Photius, i. 143-5, translated. Ep. x. ad Avitum Viennensem. Mansi, viii. 410. Theophanes, p. 248. Mansi, viii. 425. German Röhrbacher, viii. 532, book 43, 81, mostly followed. Mansi, viii. 435.

The following drawn from Reumont's narrative, ii. 50-6. The narrative drawn from Reumont, ii. 56-7; Gregorovius, i. 448-9. Mansi, viii. 969; Photius, i. 163. Mansi, viii. 1149. Mansi, ix. 35-40. Narrative drawn from Photius, i. 165-6, down to "Ferrandus," p. 232, below. Mansi, ix. 487-537. Hefele, ii. 790. Hergenröther, K.G., i. 344-5; Photius, i. 166.

Matteo Civitali, the one artist of importance that Lucca produced, was born in 1435. He remains really the one artist, not of the territory of Florence, who has worked in the manner of the fifteenth-century sculptors of that city. His work is everywhere in Lucca, here in the Duomo, in S. Romano, in S. Michele, in S. Frediano, and in the Museo in Palazzo Mansi.

Tanti uomini, he says, che in terra hanno voluto gustare vita celeste, dissero con una voce, "ecce elongavi fugiens et mansi in solitudine" those who in this world have desired a foretaste of the divine life, have always proclaimed with one voice: And in the work from which I have already quoted, Sadi says of himself: In disgust with my friends at Damascus, I withdrew into the desert about Jerusalem, to seek the society of the beasts of the field.

Ep. vi.; Mansi, viii. 213-217. Qualiscunque præsulis apostolici debes vocem patienter audire. I.e., Manicheans placed the seat of evil in matter, and Eutycheans denied the materiality of the Lord's body. The Pope alludes to the Emperor's Eutychean doctrine.

This decree, as given by Ivo and Gratian, seems only to have applied to usury on the part of the clergy, but as given by Mansi it affected the clergy and laity alike. 'Should any cleric be found to have taken usury, the latter version runs, 'let him be degraded and excommunicated.

Ep. x.; Mansi, vii. 1067. "The recital of a name in the diptychs was a formal declaration of Church fellowship, or even a sort of canonisation and invocation. It was contrary to all Church principles to permit in them the name of anyone condemned by the Church." Life of Photius, i. 133, by Card. Hergenröther. "Cui feo la dote Dono infelice di bellezza, ond' hai Funesta dote d'infinite guai."

Epistola Aviti episcopi Viennensis ad Clodoveum regem Francorum. Mansi, viii. 175. See for this narrative the German Röhrbacher, viii. 486; Civilt

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