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Später ging er auch in die Conciliensammlungen ueber; namentlich liess ihn Harduin im 5ten Bande seiner Collect. akephalos. Words of infamous meaning. Civilt

It is extremely hard to form a fair judgment from documents alone, and especially from those documents which most generally come before the public, namely, articles in such reviews as the Contemporary Review, on the one hand, and the Civilt

Epistola Aviti episcopi Viennensis ad Clodoveum regem Francorum. Mansi, viii. 175. See for this narrative the German Röhrbacher, viii. 486; Civilt

Boccaccio to Ercole, March 24, 1495. The report is given in Diar. Marino Sanuto, vol. i, 258, and is reprinted in part in the Civilt

Another element to which M. Leroy-Beaulieu attaches considerable importance is the Kultur Kampf in Germany. When the German Government was engaged in its fierce struggle with the Catholics, these endeavoured to effect a diversion and to avenge themselves on papers, which were largely in the hands of Jews, by raising a new cry. They declared that a Kultur Kampf was indeed needed, but that it should be directed against the alien people who were undermining the moral foundations of Christian societies; who were the implacable enemies of the Christian creed and of Christian ideals. The cry was soon taken up by a large body of Evangelical Protestants. The 'Germania' and the 'Civilt