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Through the whole West the writings of Theodore, Theodoret, and Ibas were little known, but the decrees of Chalcedon were zealously maintained. The edict was refused, especially in Northern Africa. It was censured by the bishop Portian in a writing addressed to the emperor, and by the learned deacon Ferrandus. Means had been taken by fraud and force to win the whole East to consent to the edict.

"Who" says the protestant Casaubon "is so little versed in the writings of the fathers, as to be ignorant of the formulary used principally of the sacraments, the initiated understand what is said: it occurs at least fifty times in Chrysostom, and almost as frequently in Augustine". S. Fulgentius inserts in his answer to the deacon Ferrandus the following words of S. Augustine to the neophytes "This which you see on the altar of God you saw last night: but what it was, what it meant, and of what a great thing it contains the sacrament, you have not yet heard.

The following drawn from Reumont's narrative, ii. 50-6. The narrative drawn from Reumont, ii. 56-7; Gregorovius, i. 448-9. Mansi, viii. 969; Photius, i. 163. Mansi, viii. 1149. Mansi, ix. 35-40. Narrative drawn from Photius, i. 165-6, down to "Ferrandus," p. 232, below. Mansi, ix. 487-537. Hefele, ii. 790. Hergenröther, K.G., i. 344-5; Photius, i. 166.

He seemed to see a departed friend, Ferrandus Januarius, with whom he had often discoursed on the immortality of the soul, and whom he now asked whether it was true that the pains of Hell were really dreadful and eternal. The shadow gave an answer like that of Achilles when Odysseus questioned him.