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Updated: August 8, 2024

During the afternoon he saw nothing more of the family, save Lady Hilda; and it was not till the party assembled in the drawing-room before dinner that he met Lord and Lady Exmoor and his future pupil. Lynmouth had grown into a tall, handsome, manly-looking boy since Ernest last saw him; but he certainly looked exactly what Hilda had called him a pickle.

A more manly-looking, fine, bold young fellow, I do not know; and he is often as manly and imposing in his opinions and judgments, as he is to the eye; while, at times, he is almost childish in his tastes and propensities. How do you account for this, Miss Anneke?"

Miss Maggie, with another sigh, turned and went out into the kitchen. The next day, on the street, Mr. Smith met Mellicent Blaisdell. She was with a tall, manly-looking, square-jawed young fellow whom Mr. Smith had never seen before. Mellicent smiled and blushed adorably. Then, to his surprise, she stopped him with a gesture. "Mr. Smith, I know it's on the street, but I I want Mr.

"H'm," murmured the commander-in-chief; "I am pretty busy, but will see him briefly. Show him in." "Yes, your excellency," and the orderly withdrew. He was back again in a few moments, however, and ushered in a handsome, manly-looking youth, at the same time announcing: "Richard Dare, your excellency." Then he withdrew, leaving the two alone.

The bold and manly-looking mariner, who controlled her, stood between the night-heads, just above the image of his pretended mistress, where he examined the foaming reefs, the whirling eddies, and the varying currents, with folded arms and a riveted eye. A glance was exchanged between the two officers, and the free-trader raised his sea-cap.

'I think so, said Noel; 'at least she gave us each a shilling, and she wished us "good hunting!" 'Good hunting, eh? Well, what about this poetry of yours? Which is the poet? I can't think how he could have asked! Oswald is said to be a very manly-looking boy for his age. However, I thought it would look duffing to be offended, so I said 'This is my brother Noel.

One good feature, however, he did possess, a mouth of such sweetness and beauty that set, as it was, above a very square and manly-looking chin, it had the air of being ludicrously out of place. "Umph," said his old aunt, Mrs. Nature meant to make a pretty girl of you, and changed her mind after she had finished the mouth. Well, never mind, better be a plain man than a pretty woman.

He was a fine, handsome, manly-looking fellow frank and boisterous in his manner, kind and generous in his disposition, but the slave of passion and impulse. In a week after his return, he became dull and reserved, and every one remarked the extraordinary change that had come over him.

"James Benton! Why, that is our minister's name!" "O, wal, I believe he is the minister, come to think on't. He's a boy o' mine, though. Where does he live?" "In that white house that you see set back from the road there, with all those trees round it." At this instant a tall, manly-looking person approached from behind. Have we not seen that face before?

The latter gave him a quick look and a nod, though, which the boy interpreted to mean, "Don't forget this evening." "Just as if I am likely to," thought Frank, as he gazed proudly after the handsome, manly-looking officer.

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