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And some doubted the bird's sojourn on a sailing-vessel in the full-rigged, full-mouthed days of 1840! Her grace rapped the razor-edged beak sharply and returned to the other two just in time to hear her maid's answer to some question: "Sergeant O'Rafferty of the Irish Guards, Miss Jill. He demeaned himself by marrying a barmaid, miss."

Anna turned her head. Her maid had entered noiselessly from the inner room and was standing by her side. "Madame does not sleep? There is a person outside who waits for an interview. I have denied him, as all others. He gave me this." Anna almost snatched the piece of paper from her maid's fingers. She glanced at the name, and the disappointment which shone in her eyes was very apparent.

The man is young and an enthusiast an easy conquest, I should fancy; and when you have ensnared him the maid's fate is decided. We want the man, the maid, and the steel casket; any one of the three, however, will be of great value to us. You will keep us advised as to your progress, and we, of course, will assist you all we can. You know that we have secret agents all over Europe.

Thence to White Hall by water, and there with the Duke of York a little, but stayed not, but saw him and his lady at his little pretty chapel, where I never was before: but silly devotion, God knows! Thence I left Creed, and to the King's playhouse, into a corner of the 18d. box, and there saw "The Maid's Tragedy," a good play. Coach, 1s.: play and oranges, 2s. 6d.

No old maid's gown, though it had been tormented into all the fashions from King James to King George, ever underwent so many transformations as those poor plains have in my idea. At first I was contented with tending a visionary flock, and sighing some pastoral name to the echo of the cascade under the bridge.

"I can't chop 'em up no finer than one syllable. But I'll shorten up the dose sufficient for your understandin' to grasp. It's this way: D'you know what a frame-up is?" Endicott nodded. "Well, Choteau County politics is in such a condition of onwee that a hangin' would be a reg'lar tonic for the party that's in; which it's kind of bogged down into an old maid's tea party.

I asked, raising my voice. "Is he in?" The maid's face was as wooden as the door-post. Her mouth, already open, opened still wider and she continued to stare. A step sounded in the dark hall behind her and another voice said, sharply: "'Oo is it, 'Arriet? And w'at does 'e want?" The maid grinned. "'E wants to see MISTER Morley, ma'am," she said, with a giggle.

Elizabeth pursed up her lips with an air of reserve. "You don't think so?" Angelica said she had seen the maid's face in the mirror before her. "What is he like?" "He's exactly like the bishop, Miss." Angelica broke into a broad smile at herself in the glass. "What! a little old man baby!" she exclaimed. "Yes, Miss with a cold in his head," the maid said seriously.

Presently in the night came a mizzling rain, and far among the hills a cloud brake open, and the mill-pond flowed over and under, and the dam crumbled away, and the Mill shook, and the whole river ran roaring through the garden. Then was Martimor wonderly wroth, because the river had blotted out the Maid's flowers.

"Thus for nearly three months the disguised count came to see me three or four times a week, always in my maid's room, and mostly in her presence. But even if we had been perfectly alone his fear of my displeasure was too great to allow him to take the slightest liberties.