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These are the kind of stories that they tell of the courage and the gentleness of this man who while he was a fine American scholar yet knew the very heart of the Eastern peoples in northwestern Persia as no American has ever done in all our history. "One day," says one old village Assyrian greybeard, "Dr.

"I'll admit you did the square thing and was a man last summer, though I'd liked it better if you'd faced up and told me you were promised; but to come back here babying, and take hold of Elnora like that, and talk that way because you have had a fuss with your girl, I don't tolerate. Split that kindling and I'll get your supper, and then you better go.

They passed immediately to the nominations, and there was the same unanimity all down the ticket until the nominations for the county auditor began. A small man lifted his hand and cried, "I nominate James McGann of Rock for auditor." There was a little silence followed by murmurs of disapproval. The first false note had been struck. Someone seconded the motion. The chairman's gavel fell.

Henshaw an' a man came out of your house an' got in, an' drove right away quick! They just ran to get into it, too didn't they?" She appealed to her young mates grouped about her. A chorus of shrill exclamations brought Mr. Bertram Henshaw suddenly to his senses.

A man who is perfectly at himself does not throw cold detraction at people's architectural productions and picturesque surroundings, and let on that what he prefers is a Dubbonese dust-storm and a pleasing degree of respectful familiarity. No, these are old, old symptoms; and when they appear we know that the man has got the panegyrics. Sydney has a population of 400,000.

"What kind?" said I. "Why," said the man, "I think you would do to be my bonnet." "Bonnet!" said I, "what is that?" "Don't you know? However, no wonder, as you had never heard of the thimble-and-pea game, but I will tell you.

The prisoner spoke with awe of Kutusoff, and said that he was an old man, with white hair and great mustaches, and eyes that struck him with terror; that he lacked much of dressing like the French generals; that he wore very ordinary clothes he who could have such fine ones; that he roared like a lion when he was angry; that he never started on a march without saying his prayers; and that he crossed himself frequently at different hours of the day.

And I have remarked that a true delineation of the smallest man, and his scene of pilgrimage through life, is capable of interesting the greatest man; that all men are to an unspeakable degree brothers, each man's life a strange emblem of every man's; and that Human Portraits, faithfully drawn, are of all pictures the welcomest on human walls.

"I will endeavor to express what I feel, sir. You have spoken of his cleverness. I venture to say that he is too clever And I have observed that he is for a young man far too easily moved to suspect others. Do I make myself understood?" "Perfectly. Pray go on." "I find, Mr. Keller, that there is something of the Jesuit about our young friend.

After setting them on a table, Horace inquired what the charges were. "Twelve dollars, sah," was the reply. Horace took out his pocket book, and throwing the man a twenty dollar gold piece, told him to pay for the breakfast and champagne, and purchase cigars with the remainder. The negroes having left, Horace Awtry and his friend proceeded to discuss their breakfast and champagne.