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Albert Doninger, age 20, wounded in left arm. Brockman B. Armstrong, age 35, wounds on head. E. J. Shapeero, age 24, wounded in right leg. Carl Burke, age 25, shot in back and shoulder. Ira Luft, age 27, shot in right side of back. George Turnquist, age 26, wounded in left leg. George Brown, age 21, shot in back. D. J. McCarthy, age 37, shot in side of head and in right leg.

That event had uprooted the scholar from the old house zum Sessel, in the Fischmarkt, and transplanted him to the home of Froben's son, Hieronymus. The latter house, then known as zum Luft, is now No. 18, Bäumleingasse. And it was here that Erasmus passed away, his mind keeping to the last its humour and its interests in all around him.

"I wunner ye jined the Airmy at all, M'Slattery," observed one bold spirit, when the orator paused for breath. "I wunner myself," said M'Slattery simply. "If I had kent all aboot this 'attention, and 'stan'-at-ease, and needin' tae luft your hand tae your bunnet whenever you saw yin o' they gentry-pups of officers goin' by, dagont if I'd hae done it, Germans or no!

Die Luft der Freiheit weht! All the traditions are individualistic. Red tape and organization are at their minimum. Interruptions and perturbing distractions hardly exist. Eastern institutions look all dark and huddled and confused in comparison with this purity and serenity. Shall it not be auspicious?

"Weel, it's cauld onyway," Bogle would rejoin, anxious to endorse his superior's decision. Or in the same spirit "Wull I luft the soup now, sir?" "No!" "Varra weel: I'll jist let it bide the way it is." Lastly, Angus M'Lachlan proved himself a useful acquisition especially in rest-billets as an athlete.

"Die Luft der Freiheit weht" is the Stanford motto; and there was truly no more likely place for the winds of freedom to blow than over and through this college on a California ranch. And its founders did well to find for its first head a man than whom no other American scholar had given clearer indications of being anxious to break with clogging scholastic tradition.

In 1906, one of the many Protestant Bible Societies reported that it had disposed in one year of nearly 80,000,000 Bibles and parts of the Bible in many languages. The Bible is perhaps the cheapest book of modern times. It was not so in the days of Gutenberg, Froschauer, Luft, and the Claxtons.

"Luft up a little, Sam, or the Spray will run on the rocks." "All right, Dick. I haven't got sailing down quite as One as you yet. How far do you suppose we are from Albany?" "Not over eight or nine miles. If this wind holds out we'll make that city by six o'clock. I'll tell you what, sailing on the Hudson suits me first-rate."

Then I doot you gave it a bit kick with your foot," replied the inflexible Buncle. "Or got some other body tae luft it for him!" suggested Private Nigg, looking hard at Tosh's habitual accomplice, Cosh. "I had it pitten in an auld envelope from hame, addressed with my name," continued the mourner. "It couldna hae got oot o' that by accident!"

Ridiculous dignity in holding over yourself a green cotton thing with a red parroquet handle when you are dressed in nothing larger than a handkerchief. There are no trees in the "Luft Bad." It boasts a collection of plain, wooden cells, a bath shelter, two swings and two odd clubs one, presumably the lost property of Hercules or the German army, and the other to be used with safety in the cradle.