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A feller workin' at the cotton- compress told me that a man by the name o' Tom Collins wanted to see me right off, an' that he was up at the wholesale grocery. Fool that I was, I hitched my hosses an' struck out lickity-split for the grocery.

They was a-making tracks along hereaway, sartain, sure; larruping them hosses to a keen jump, lickity-split. Now, says I to myself, what's the tarnation hurry? Ain't they got all the time there is to get where they're a-going, immejitly, if not sooner?" Then he turned upon me.

There were gathered Ruth, Alice, Miss Pennington, Miss Dixon, Paul and others. "Ride! Ride for your lives!" cried Mr. Sneed, dashing up on one of the plow horses. "The prairies are on fire and it's coming this way lickity-split!" Of course his words would not be heard by the moving picture audiences, though those accustomed to it can read the lip motions.

"I didn't see nothin' like that," said the farmer. "Is that what you call one of them two-wheeled lickity-split things that a man sits on the middle of an' goes like chain-lightning?" "It is," said Tom. "I wish you'd help me look for it." The farmer and his son agreed, and other lanterns having been secured, a search was made.

That derned electric hog has sprung something and is coming down, lickity-split! "Yes! Clear your yard! Where's Number Twenty-eight? Good! Side her, or she'll be ditched. Get me?" The voice at the other end of the wire exploded into indignant vituperation. Then silence. The Half Way operator had done his best his all. He ran out upon the platform.

"Beca'se, Mistah Swift, dere's a pow'ful monstrous tree trunk right across de road at a place whar yo' cain't see it till yo' gits right on top ob it. Ef yo' done hit dat ar tree on yo' lickity-split machine, yo' suah would land in kingdom come. Doan't go down dat hill!" Tom leaped off his machine and approached the colored man.

He sent me down with it, lickity-split," and the boy held out an envelope bearing a special delivery stamp. Blake took the missive mechanically. While Blake was tearing off the end of the envelope, preparatory to taking out the enclosure, Joe looked sharply at the red-haired lad who had so unexpectedly delivered it.

My! but I was mad, but kind of excited, too, for a man came up from the inside of the canal boat and yelled, and the man on the deck woke up and yelled, and the boy was yelling! There was a farmer driving along the road and across the bridge and when he saw mules coming, lickity-split, where mules never come, right up to the bridge, he yelled too, and licked his horse to get out of the way.

"I'm going to drive lickity-split for the hospital," said Hen in a low tone to Beany. "Don't you stir!" commanded the weak voice. "When you get to the house, go around back, and through the yard to the next house. There is an outside iron fire-escape on it. Go up that to the level of the roof of the corner house. It is a story lower than the house that has the fire-escape.

That log was put there!" "Does yo' t'ink dat, Mistah Swift?" asked Eradicate, his eyes getting big. "I certainly do, and, if you hadn't warned me, I might have been killed." "Oh, I heard yo' lickity-split machine chug-chuggin' along when I were in de bushes, lookin' for a pryin' pole, an' I hurried out to warn yo. I knowed I could leave Boomerang safe, 'case he's asleep."