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Updated: August 26, 2024

I glanced at Leith as I spoke, and I fancied I detected a glint of amusement in the lustreless eyes that were turned in my direction. Whether it was caused by my hastily constructed lie or by the girl's inquiries I could not tell, but my dislike for the clumsy giant made me suspicious about his knowledge of the incident of the preceding evening, and I felt certain that he was smiling at my fib.

'A fine character you'll give of Scotland upon your return, Colonel Talbot. 'O, Justice Shallow, said the Colonel, 'will save me the trouble "Barren, barren, beggars all, beggars all. Marry, good air," and that only when you are fairly out of Edinburgh, and not yet come to Leith, as is our case at present. In a short time they arrived at the seaport.

Poor as they were, her mother had taken her to cheap little seaside nooks for a week or two of each summer; she had made pilgrimages almost every Sunday in spring or autumn to Leith Hill or Mapledurham; she had even strained her scanty resources to the utmost to afford Dolly an occasional outing in the Ardennes or in Normandy.

For some reason, you haven't been down at Leith much this summer. Why didn't you telephone me, as I asked you." "Because I've suddenly grown dignified, I suppose," she said. "And then, of course, I hesitated to intrude upon such a person of importance as you have become, Humphrey." "I've always got time to see you," he replied. "I always shall have. But I appreciate your delicacy.

"A monumental farce." Ex-Governor Broadbent. "Who is Mr. Crewe?" Senator Whitredge. "I have been very busy. I do not know what candidates are in the field." Mr. Augustus P. Flint, president of the Northeastern Railroads. "I have heard that a Mr. Crewe is a candidate, but I do not know much about him. They tell me he is a summer resident at Leith." The Honourable Hilary Vane.

All Edinburgh and the Pentland Hills glinted above me in a kind of smuisty brightness, now and again overcome with blots of cloud; of Leith there was no more than the tops of chimneys visible, and on the face of the water, where the haar lay, nothing at all.

Salisbury Crags are a very singular feature of the outskirts. From the heights, beneath Arthur's Seat, we had a fine prospect of the sea, with Leith and Portobello in the distance, and of a fertile plain at the foot of the hill.

His reason for being at Restalrig or in the Canongate was to get the earliest news from Perth, brought across Fife, and from Bruntisland to Leith. Whether correct or not, this scheme, allowing for lapse of memory as to dates, is feasible. Who can, remote from any documents, remember the dates of occurrences all through a month now distant by eight years?

Outside the carriers, who, as far as we knew, were neutral in the matter, we had as opponents, Leith, One Eye, Soma, and the dancer whose hand had been punctured by Kaipi, and the knowledge that we were more evenly matched brought us some consolation.

The view from the top of Leith Hill is grand, although it takes some exertion to get there, and it discloses a panorama of typical English scenery over the white chalk-downs, dappled with green and the darker woodland, with the Thames lowlands far away to the north, while to the southward the land falls abruptly to the great valley of the Weald, a plain of rich red earth, with woods and grainfields and hedgerows stretching away to the dim line of the South Downs at the horizon.

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