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The most singular piece of furniture in the apartment, however, was a large ball, shaped like a lozenge, in black velvet, suspended beside the looking-glass. A quantity of pins were stuck in this ball, so as to form the letters composing these two names: HECTOR-JENNY. These names glittering on the black background attracted the old man's attention at once. This must have been M. Lecoq's reminder.

M. Segmuller knew all this, and much more, and yet, on hearing Lecoq's proposition, he made an angry gesture and exclaimed: "Are you mad?" "I think not, sir." "At all events your scheme is a most foolish one!" "Why so, sir? You will recollect the famous murder of the Chaboiseaus.

Lecoq's face was so radiant when he returned to the cab that, as the old coachman urged on his horse, he could not refrain from saying: "Things are going on to suit you." A friendly "hush!" was the only response. It required all Lecoq's attention to classify this new information.

Perhaps he thought that the innocent man would not be in danger of his life; at all events he hoped to gain time by this ruse; while the bear is smelling and turning over the glove, the huntsman gains ground, escapes and reaches his place of refuge; that was what Tremorel proposed to do." The Corbeil policeman was now undoubtedly Lecoq's most enthusiastic listener.

"Misdirected as it may be," growled Gevrol, who, although he spoke very slowly and deliberately, was in his secret soul by no means convinced of what he said. Faith is contagious, and he was troubled in spite of himself by Lecoq's imperturbable assurance. What if this debutant in the profession should be right, and he, Gevrol, the oracle of the Prefecture, wrong!

At this distinct declaration on M. Lecoq's part, the judge started in his seat. "Why, this is folly!" cried he. M. Lecoq never smiled in a magistrate's presence. "I do not think so," said he, coolly; "I am persuaded that if Monsieur Domini will grant me his attention for half an hour I will have the honor of persuading him to share my opinion."

The investigation that has been carried out shows great penetration and research, and the results are given with unusual clearness, and wonderful precision." Lecoq's head whirled. The commissary hesitated for an instant. At first he was sorely tempted to confiscate this praise to his own profit.

He isn't a man to fear much of anything. What then? He shrinks from his own thoughts. He has found something so amazing, that he dares not explain himself." A sudden reflection changed the course of M. Lecoq's confidences. "A thousand imps!" thought he. "Suppose I'm wrong! Suppose this old fellow is not shrewd at all!

But his companion cut short his desire for verification. "You, my old friend," said he, "are going to do me the kindness to keep perfectly still: pass me the lantern and do not move." Lecoq's modest tone had suddenly become so imperious that his colleague dared offer no resistance.

He stopped, shocked at what he was going to say. His eyes fell before M. Lecoq's steady gaze, and he blushed for this shameful yet human hope that he had betrayed. "You know all, now," resumed he, in a calmer tone; "consent to aid me, won't you? Ah, if you only would, I should not think I had repaid you were I to give you half my fortune and I am rich "