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Stop! I'll throw in another article, and I'll give you that, and it's a rolling-pin; and if the baby can only get it well into its mouth when its teeth is coming and rub the gums once with it, they'll come through double, in a fit of laughter equal to being tickled. Stop again!

The proposal was received with shouts of laughter by the tories; and eager for the fun they expected to see in so queer a contest, they agreed to be answerable for the prisoner's safety, and urged on the performance.

Some of the others watched him from the window, until he had entered the door of his own quarters; and then there was a general shout of laughter. "The O'Moore will be the death of me!" Teddy Burke exclaimed, as he threw himself back in a chair, exhausted. "He is one of the best fellows going, but you can lead him on into anything.

So, then, there is a King. These women have, after all, a King. Truly, I am fain to see him, this singular King of a female city. And weak as he was, he began to laugh, as they all were laughing: and so they all surged on like a very sea of laughter, through the gates of the city, and along the streets within, till they came at last to the King's palace.

Such glad bursts of welcome, such joyous laughter and absolute peans of delight. For Zaidee Crawford had come. She, Lilian, was not in it and she wondered if at any time or in any place there would be such unalloyed gladness at her coming. A girl of fifteen, bewilderingly pretty in the changes that passed over her mobile face.

"Oh, well, if you don't like my jokes, why don't you think up some of your own?" asked Herb, in an aggrieved tone. "There's no law against it, you know." "There ought to be, though," put in Jimmy. "Oh, what do you know about it?" asked Herb, incensed at the laughter that followed this thrust.

At last Alexey Fyodorovitch closed the book and said: "That's the end, and thank God for it. To-morrow we'll begin a new one." Nina Fyodorovna laughed. She had always been given to laughter, but of late Laptev had begun to notice that at moments her mind seemed weakened by illness, and she would laugh at the smallest trifle, and even without any cause at all.

The position was so strange and unnatural that with a cry of alarm he scrambled over on to his feet, and made the best of his way to shore, the Arabs indulging in shouts of laughter at his astonishment and alarm.

"This is indeed your venerable ladyship's good fortune!" old goody Liu smiled. "We couldn't enjoy anything of the kind, much though we may long for it." "What good fortune!" dowager lady Chia exclaimed. "I'm a useless old thing, no more." This remark made every one explode into laughter. Dowager lady Chia also laughed.

And if there is anything to be done to me for abominating you, O King, who had the impudence to offer me a hundred gold pieces a year for my poems, I, O King, will submit to the utmost terrors of the law!" A burst of laughter long and loud, relieved the pent-up feelings of the company.