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"My old clothes are in the bag, please," replied Nancy, bashfully. "Oh! but where are the pictures of the folks at home? And the little knicknacks they gave you when you came away?" said Jessie Pease, her fair face all one big smile. "There there aren't any folks, please," stammered Nancy. "What, dear?" gasped the woman, sitting straighter on her knees and staring at her.

Whereupon my father took me up in his arms, kissed me on both cheeks, and bade me choose some knicknacks for the prisoner's sitting-room. "For though we have gotten together all the necessaries for comfort, we have taken nothing for adornment," said he, "and 'twere pity the prison were duller than it need be.

But many years of confidential barter of rags for knicknacks had made Todd Brackett seem like "own folks," as she expressed it. "We won't trade any to-day," she added, apologetically. "Nor we won't trade ever," bawled the Cap'n, poising himself on one foot like an angry hawk. "You go 'long out of this yard."

I thought one ought to be enough, but as soon as the agents saw the inventory of knicknacks and things, they advised me to have two men. One of them's here still. In fact he's waiting to see you. The Scotland Yard people are very annoying. They've refused to do anything until morning." That Eve should have engaged detectives was something of a blow to the masculine superiority of Mr. Prohack.

She excelled in making little elegant good-for-nothing, lady-like knicknacks of all kinds, was versed in the most abstruse dancing of the day, played a number of airs on the harp and guitar, and knew all the tender ballads of the Minnelieders by heart.

Brotteaux's thoughts suddenly turned to the world above him, how over his head all was noise and bustle, light and life, while the pretty shopwomen in the Palais de Justice behind their counters, loaded with perfumery and pretty knicknacks, smiled on their customers, happy people free to go where they pleased, and the picture doubled his despair.

"I'd no idea Damer was so empty-headed," I thought, and I rather despised Miss Chislett for smiling at his feeble conversation. "I often wonder what's the use of farthings," I heard him say as he turned one over in the bunch of knicknacks. They only help tradesmen to cheat when they're 'selling off."

We seemed, so rapid was our passage, to be whisked on an Arabian carpet to a spacious drawing-room, richly furnished, with thick rugs and ample cushions and countless knicknacks and photographs and delicately-tinted lampshades.

"This is a cut above subaltern's quarters," I said, surveying the photos, the dhurri on the floor, the rifle in its rack, the field-kit hung up behind the door, and the knicknacks on the walls. "The Line bachelors use 'em while we're away; but they're nice to come back to after 'heef." Matthews passed me his cigarette-case. "Where have you 'heefed'?" I said.

Pickwick's time, with every other available inch of wall space now covered with portraits of the novelist and his memorable characters, pictures of scenes from his books, Dickensian relics and knicknacks, either associated with the book which brought it fame or with other books of the famous Boz.