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One raw morning late in April, Mark Leanard, who worked at Kirby's lumber-yard, drove his team of big grade Percherons up to Kirby's office by the railroad tracks. "What's doing?" he asked of Kirby's clerk. The clerk handed him a slip of paper. "Go round and tell Mitchell to get you out this load!" he said. Leanard went off whistling, with the order slip tucked back of his hatband.

He fought on shore as well; and once he came down from the tops of the Andes with a black beard turned white, and went into action with the title of Kirby's Ghost. But his heart was on salt water; he was never so much at home as in a ship foundering or splitting into the clouds.

Such men are not rare in the States. As he knocked the ashes from his cigar, Wolfe caught with a quick pleasure the contour of the white hand, the blood-glow of a red ring he wore. His voice, too, and that of Kirby's, touched him like music, low, even, with chording cadences. About this man Mitchell hung the impalpable atmosphere belonging to the thorough-bred gentleman.

Croff and Webb were starting action, which meant that the Yankees would be drawn on to see what was up. Kirby's horse was running beside Hannibal. The Texan's eyes were closed, his left shoulder and upper sleeve bloody. Riding neck and neck, they burst out of the gorge as rifle bullets propelled from a barrel. The impetus of that charge carried them across an open strip.

He pressed a hand to his side, then raised it; it was smeared with blood. In blank stupefaction the man stared at this phenomenon. Doret was the first to reach that motionless figure sprawled face down upon the floor; it was he who lifted the gray head and spoke Kirby's name. A swift examination was enough to make quite sure that the old man was beyond all help.

Only Wolfe's face, with its heavy weight of brain, its weak, uncertain mouth, its desperate eyes, out of which looked the soul of his class, only Wolfe's face turned towards Kirby's. Mitchell laughed, a cool, musical laugh. "Money has spoken!" he said, seating himself lightly on a stone with the air of an amused spectator at a play. "Are you answered?" turning to Wolfe his clear, magnetic face.

So long." Kirby swung into his dog-cart, the sais did an acrobatic turn behind, and again the horse proceeded to lower records. Zigzag-wise, through streets that were growing more and yet more thronged instead of silent, they tore barrackward, missing men by a miracle every twelve yards. Kirby's eyes were on a red blotch, now, that danced and glowed above the bazaar a mile ahead.

Larry ran to the window, and opening it, found himself practically face to face with young Georgy Talbot-Lowry, riding a horse of Bill Kirby's. The sight of the hounds drove from his mind the resolve to have no dealings more with the house of Talbot-Lowry. "Hullo, Georgy!" he shouted: "I didn't know you were home "

See the observations on La Place and La Marck in the Introduction to Kirby's "Bridgewater Treatise." I turned back alone.

Yet she had no objection to talk of the adventure and how Simon Fettle, Captain Kirby's old ship's steward in South America, seeing horsemen stationed on the ascent of the high road bordering the Bowl, which is miles round and deep, made the postillion cease jogging, and sang out to his master for orders, and Kirby sang back to him to look to his priming, and then the postillion was bidden proceed, and he did not like it, but he had to deal with pistols behind, where men feel weak, and he went bobbing on the saddle in dejection, as if upon his very heart he jogged; and soon the fray commenced.