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There may be others in the house, and I might not dare to leave Miss Eloise behind alone without some protection. In a way she is in almost as much danger as the others if she falls into Kirby's hands. I shall endeavor to induce her to go to Haines at once."

And he was pleased with his own new-found powers of explaining Occidental customs to an Oriental mind. Now, Logan Kirby knew the tangled Syrian character and its myriad queer slants, as well as it can be given to a white man to know it. Kirby's father had been a missionary, at Nablous. He himself had been born there, and had spent his boyhood at the mission.

Kirby's right hand instinctively sought a pocket in his cloak. Warrington felt for his pistol, too. For thirty or more seconds say, three steps they went up like conspirators, trying to move silently and holding to the rail; then the absurdity of the situation appealed to both, and without a word said each stepped forward like a man, so that the staircase resounded.

French smiled acquiescence, and returned Kirby's hand clasp with equal vigour and sincerity, he felt, as the train rolled away, as one might feel who, after a long sojourn in an alien land, at last takes ship for home.

Do you know him? 'Know the Animal Register, sir? returned the Impostor, who had caught the name imperfectly. 'For a trifling wager, I think I could find any Animal in him, blindfold, Mr Boffin. 'And here's Kirby's Wonderful Museum, said Mr Boffin, 'and Caulfield's Characters, and Wilson's. Such Characters, Wegg, such Characters! I must have one or two of the best of 'em to-night.

"Are they blind and deaf? Can't they see and hear?" "Quern deus vult perdere, prius dementat, Ponsonby, my boy." The man in drab silk slipped into a chair next to Kirby's as a wolf slips into his lair, very circumspectly, and without noise; then he rutched the chair sidewise toward Kirby with about as much noise as a company of infantry would make.

"O' course it shocked her for you to make such a charge against her. It would frighten any woman. By God, it's an outrage. You come here and try to browbeat Miss Harriman when she's alone. You ask her impudent questions, as good as tell her she she " Kirby's eyes were like a glittering rapier probing for the weakness of his opponent's defense.

Moreover, he was willing his detective bureau should get a jolt from an outsider. It might spur them up in future. "Chief, is there anything you want to say?" Kirby asked. "Not a wor-rd. I'm sittin' in a parquet seat. It's your show, son." Kirby's disarming smile won the Chief's heart. "I want to say now that I've talked with the Chief several times.

Subtly, ever so cunningly, she had contrived to touch a chord in Colonel Kirby's heart that he did not know lived any more. Warrington was speechless; he could not have trusted himself to speak. She had touched another chord in him. "He came here more than once, or so I've been given to understand," said Kirby, and his own voice startled him, for it seemed harsh.

Come and preach your Saint-Simonian doctrines to-morrow to Kirby's hands. Let them have a clear idea of the rights of the soul, and I'll venture next week they'll strike for higher wages. That will be the end of it." "Will you send the coach-driver to this side of the mills?" asked Kirby, turning to Wolfe. He spoke kindly: it was his habit to do so. Deborah, seeing the puddler go, crept after him.