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Kingdon scorned pets, which the girls considered quite the right thing for a boy to do; and, anyway, Kingdon had enough to attend to, to keep the swing going. "I 'most wish it wasn't my turn," said Marjorie, with a little sigh. "Of course I want to go for lots of reasons, but I'd love to be in Rockwell this summer, too."

He had shifted his position from Russia to India about the time of his cousin's marriage, and Bettina never heard his name mentioned, nor did she ever utter it. After the London season was over, Lord and Lady Hurdly had moved from their town-house to the family seat, Kingdon Hall.

This announcement and the call for a mass-meeting in Kingdon Hall was received by the newspapers with a good-natured ridicule, and in influential quarters it was generally hinted that this was Mr. Blackwood's method of "getting square" for having been deprived of the Boyne Street line.

"I'm just in time, Mr. Moriway, to see that my mother's not made unhappy by your presence." "Evelyn!" Mrs. Kingdon remonstrated. "Come, Sarah." Moriway offered his arm. The bride shook her head. "To-morrow," she said feebly. Moriway breathed a swear. Miss Kingdon laughed. "I've come to take care of you, you silly little mother, dear.... It won't be to-morrow, Mr. Moriway."

She was therefore not unprepared for what happened when she began her visiting among the poor at Kingdon and her investigation into the needs of her husband's tenants.

"Fox and Geese" was a favorite game, and though there were scarcely enough of them to play it properly, yet that made it all the more fun, and Uncle Steve and Mr. Maynard seemed to be little, if any, older than Kingdon, as they scrambled about in the frolic. Then Kitty begged for just one round of Puss in the Corner.

Joel gave the shoulder to one, but the second dived through Kingdon, and the runner came to earth on the twenty-three-yard line, with Joel tugging at him in the hope of advancing the pigskin another foot. "Line up quickly, fellows!" called Story. The players jumped to their places. Joel crept back a bare yard.

Kingdon Maynard, the oldest of the four, and the only boy, was fourteen. These facts had long ago fixed his position as autocrat, dictator, and final court of appeal. Whatever King said, was law to the three girls, but as the boy was really a mild-mannered tyrant, no trouble ensued.

Kingdon. Then I seized my chance. "I've heard, Mrs. Van Wagenen," I said softly and oh, as nicely as I could, "of your fondness for lace. We are going abroad in the spring, my husband and I, to Malta, among other places. Can't I get you a piece there as a souvenir of the Bishop's kindness to me?"

"Well, I'm not afraid of anybody who can play she's Cinderella over a telephone! I love to run and play out-of-doors, but I love to play 'pretend games' too." "So do I. But I have to play them all by myself. Except sometimes mother plays with me." "You can play with us. We all play pretend games. Kitty's best at it, she's my sister. And King Kingdon, my brother, is grand."